Monday, July 10, 2006

Just another Monday

When I first started at my job I had no problem talking nicely to people and sympathizing with them and so forth. But now that I am the office manager I find myself wanting to ring some of our clients necks! Just now I got off the phone with someone who just had a bathroom done by us like three weeks ago and now her toilet is leaking. I explained that we would be more then willing to take care of it, but that right now I have my guys on a job that needs to finished by Wednesday so I wil send them out as soon as I could. She started flipping out on me and I got so pissed that I put her on speaker and went back to my IM'ing while she yapped away. It took everything in me not to freaking freak out on her. I was a little nasty though, hopefully she won't write a BBB complaint on me. But ever since I moved into this new position I can't help but to want to be nasty to these people. Every day with these customers is a new day to practice patience! Ugh!!!!!!!!

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