Saturday, April 19, 2008

pregnant pictures

New pregnant lady pictures (24 weeks and 1 day)

To me I don't think my belly is getting much bigger, but my boobs certainly are! I feel like I'm all belly and boobs with these short little legs!

Oh and ignore our ONE ugly maroon wall. We still haven't gotten around to changing it. Soon. Very soon.

D.C. Trip and shocking revelations

We were all set today to take a spur of the moment trip to the D.C. Zoo. We dressed quickly and ran out the door...But one problem...We had locked both set of keys in the house! UGH! Of all things! So for about 30 minutes Shawn climbed up and down the deck (no stairs) trying to figure out how to get inside the house. We called a locksmith of course and they wouldn't give us any kind of quote of what it could possibly cost and then they had no available locksmiths. So Shawn and I went underneath the deck to the entrance of the basement and noticed the window and miraculously we were able to literally pop the window out without breaking it and pop it right back in! By then I was already hot and couldn't imagine walking around the zoo. Not to mention my calf muscle was having these weird painful spasms all night and into today. So we decided to go to the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History. All set to go to D.C. we then take the wrong exit and end up driving all the way down Connecticut Ave (which is totally stop and go with all the lights) to get downtown. Finally we make it, force ourselves into the parking space and head to the museum and what do we see? A huge police convoy. So we're thinking "Great! It must be someone important! Little Shawn will love this!" The day before little Shawn had been asking about court houses and judges (we were near the courthouse)so I explained what a judge was, etc, etc. So today on the way to D.C. Shawn decided to turn our drive into another lesson (trying to earn some more parenting chips) and started talking about the President and such (by the way little Shawn is voting for 'A-rock Obama. So anyway back to the police convoy. We're all excited (I'm thinking it's the President), but it turns out its a bunch of neo-Nazis protesting! I was absolutely flabbergasted! I couldn't believe, number 1. That they were allowed to do that and 2. That our tax dollars we're paying for it! I was almost near tears. On one hand it's a realization how free America is and lucky we are to live in our country where we have the right to say and believe what we want, but then you realize how hateful these people are. They were marching for a "pure white America" yet I saw many, many, black police officers, Hispanic officers, and I'm sure some Jewish officers actually protecting them. It was really sad and disgusting.

We eventually did make it into the museum and had a great time. Looking at all those huge skeletons of animals and things and the exhibits of nature pictures just shows me how amazing God is. How complex our world is and that He took the time to create all of these amazing things. How could you not see His hand in this? Who else could have done it? Certainly not some explosion in the galaxy!

Here's a few pictures from our trip:

Monday, April 07, 2008

Paranoid Momma

I think I'm going to be one of those super paranoid moms. Which is so unlike me. I've felt the baby do a few kicks here and there but Thursday morning (also happened to be a doctors appointment) it was like 6 AM and Shawn was up getting ready for his morning run and my hands were on my belly and I felt Baby really kick. So I called for Shawn because although I've felt some movements before he hasn't been able to feel anything. That morning though Shawn was able to feel him kick several times. And then all day Baby was just kicking up a storm (do I have the future David Beckham in me??)So here's why I think I'm going to be paranoid. Ever since we found out I was pregnant every little "feeling" or slight pain or whatever I'm freaking out. Since Thursday Baby seemed to be on this schedule of being really up in the early morning, late afternoon, and late evening. And then when I would eat something he would go crazy! I had started to set my watch (not literally) by his movements, however yesterday he was very quiet and I started getting really nervous. By 8 PM he had kicked a few times but not like he had in the previous days. So in the middle of the night I woke Shawn up (which I seem to be doing a lot lately) and told him that he wasn't moving and Shawn said "He's probably you should be" so I go back to sleep and first thing this morning I told him "If I don't feel movement by 11 AM were calling the doctor!" about an hour later it was like Baby was like "Chill out crazy lady I'm fine" because he started kicking more. I'm going to be that mom who dresses her kids in like 5 layers regardless of weather and every time they go outside to bike ride or skateboard they're going to have on full protective armour!

Thursday was another Doctors appointment, all looks well. When my OB went to check Baby's heart rate he did this huge kick and was kicking up a storm making it hard for her to get his heart rate. I think he's a little anti social and likes to be left alone, like me!

I started a prenatal yoga and a Pilate's DVD today. Which really helped me achey back and so forth. I'm hoping to do it everyday and if not at least everyday, every other day, because I hear the stretching and exercise really helps with labor. At least that's what the books say! I'm currently reading 4 books now, it's so much information to take on. I'm worried I won't remember everything!

Book List:
1. What to expect when you're expecting
2. The womanly art of breastfeeding
3. Natural Childbirth the Bradley Way
and for fun..
4. The Memory Keepers Daughter

Friday, April 04, 2008

weird sleep habits

I'm a weird person. I've always known that and I'm ok with it. Shawn says it's part of my charm, but I'm sure he says that because he likes me. In being weird I've always had weird sleeping habits. When I was younger I was the wildest sleeper you'd ever met. I'd start at the head of the bed and by morning be at the foot. I talk a lot in my sleep and most recently I've started crying in my sleep. A few weeks ago Shawn and I carried on a whole conversation about how Tony Romo was kind of cute, all while asleep. But one thing I've always done that made no sense was see animals or insects in my room while I was sleeping. Once I was in Bible School and I jumped up and flipped the light on and was tossing covers back because I swear there was a Daddy Long Leg Spider sitting on my chest STARING at me. Obvisously there wasn't. Another time I jumped up and stood on my bed (and this was about a year ago) because I saw Dinosaur bones laying on my bed trying to attack me. But last night was so weird.

Shawn sleeps on the right side of the bed near the door and I was laying on his chest sleeping and I opened my eyes and screamed out his name. He half way jumps up and was like "What?!" and I was like "Uh, I see a thing, it's a...a...a" I couldn't think of the name of this animal standing in our doorway! And all the while the animal is staring at me and I'm like "Oh my gosh it's going to attack me!" Then I was like "Ok" and go back to sleep and then I was like "It's a deer! A deer's in our room! But by then he was asleep!

A few weeks ago I went to asleep early and he was in the living room watching his nerd shows and I screamed because I swear I saw a robotic spider with a Britney Spears picture on his back crawl under our bed, and do you know he actually came back and looked for it? No matter what I do to him during my sleep which has included hitting him in the face, kicking him, and waking him up with my half sleep conversations he always goes along with me.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

What age do kids learn to walk?

I was just shopping for slings and I wandered over to and came across this't post pic, it's copyrighted)

Uhh, how old is this kid?

All moved in and settled

So this past weekend was our big move. It was a long and dis-organized week (not on our part) but I'm so glad we're in. There was a lot of cosmetics stuff that the previous owner promised to take care of and like 3 days before our move in date none of it was done and to top it all off Saturday afternoon was spent getting rid of all this trash that they had left in the basement. Luckily because we had not collected huge amounts of stuff while we were in the apartment it was easy to unpack everything, so we moved everything in Friday night went to sleep and was all set up by Saturday evening. I'd post pictures but we need to paint the living room, which we plan on doing in the next 2 weeks. So I'll get pictures up soon. But I really love the house. It's great with all this space.

Up until last week I had counted myself amongst the few lucky pregnant ladies. I didn't have any morning sickness, which I hear is pretty brutal and I felt I was sailing through my 2nd trimester smashingly, then all of a sudden I started waking up with awful back, neck, and all around full body aches. I've always had back problems, which is why I had breast reduction surgery, but nothing like this. The pain was so bad yesterday I wanted to curl up and cry! I started sleeping with a body pillow but it wasn't helping, so I went on a baby message board and asked about maternity pillows and someone suggested a feather mattress. So I ordered one today so I'm hoping that will help me sleep better and help combat all the body aches

After we got all settled in Shawn asked when I wanted to start working on the babies room and I originally said end of May early June, and then yesterday I decided I was ready to make decisions about what I wanted to do. I knew that I didn't want to do anything to babyish or uber boy, like cars, trucks and baseballs. So I use all my time online looking at different ideas. So yesterday after finding a crib I decided I was ready to make a decision. So the following are pictures of the crib, bedding, and the blik stickers we are going to use on the wall. Now don't hold it against me if I post pictures of the nursery in August and it's something totally different. I'm very indecisive. After I order the bedding we are going to start painting, I personally would like to keep the walls white (a bright white). There's something really fresh and clean about that idea, but I think Shawn really wants to paint. So I'm sure we will. Well sorry this post was so long, I'm a pretty long winded person
Here are the pictures:


Wall Graphic we may do like 2 or 3 of these on the wallsalt=""id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5184759117611880994" />
