Sunday, September 09, 2007

Calling on a Higher Authority

Remember a few post back I told you about the new book I'm reading Emotional Blackmail by Susan Forward. Well last night I got to the best part of the book. The part that my blackmailers most certainly use. It's called

Calling on a Higher Authority
When friends and family aren't sufficient reinforcement for emotional blackmailers, they may turn to a higher authority such as the Bible or other outside sources of knowledge or expertise, to shore up their positions. This form of pressure may sound as simple as "My Therapist says you're being bitchy" or "I took a course where they told us..." or "Dear Abby says..."

Wisdom resonates differently in each of us, and none of us can claim a monopoly on it, but we can't count on blackmailers to insist, by pulling selective quotes, comments, teachings, and writings from a host of sources, that there is just one truth...Theirs.

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