Friday, September 22, 2006

God Is Good!

Yesterday was a crazier then normal Thursday. Phones were ringing off the hook, people weren't showing up for their interviews, payroll needed to be done. It was insane! But shortly after my boss left things settled down and then he called and gave me another raise! This is my 5th raise in the year and a half I've been here. My last raise was in May when I became the office manager. So now I will be making over 40K! It's awesome! Plus I get cell & gas allowance! Most people I know making 40K a year are working more then one job or their two income households. For the last year I've played with the idea of moving out and trying it on my on. The money issue has stopped me, not because I didn't make enough, but because if you know me, you money & me don't get along well. :-) But now with this raise I could move out and be comfortable. At this time I'm not planning on leaving though. I have it pretty well. I have no curfew, I can come and go as I please, I don't have chores (we have a full time housekeeper), my dad pays all my bills. The only thing I'm required to do is go to church LOL. When you have it as good as I do why rock the boat right?

Abby & I are headed to VA this afternoon, totally excited! Hopefully I'll have some crazy stories to tell when I get back....

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