Monday, April 30, 2007

First Day

To all my loyal readers (hahaha what is there like 5 of you?) this post about my first day on the J-O-B is going to be kinda short. I literally am so tired I'm going to fall out of my chair! So lets see first day went by pretty quickly. Consisted of basically...NOTHING. My boss is this tiny, tiny, tiny, Jewish man named Yonah. I thought I was tiny at 5', but Phew! He's little! So Yonah explains that they are rather slow now which is good (according to him) that way I can learn the job since the girl I replaced had to leave before training me. Well my "training" today consisted of my browsing computer files (per his request). The highlight (if you can call it that) was going downtown to the model and meeting with the agent (nice guy) and then hanging No Parking signs up and down the block where we are building. I can't even begin to describe the amazing pleasure, joy, and fulfillment I got from running (in heels mind you!!!) up and down the block chasing flying papers and taping things to poles. However, I count today as I pretty good success. I actually rather enjoyed learning what my future job task will be. This week seems like it will be kind of slow, but starting next week things should get exciting because that's when I start at the model.

In other news around my head...We found a church for the ceremony. I have pictures, but I can feel my ass slipping off the chair so I think that means I should turn in for the night, or at the very least settle in on my comfy bed, complete with stuffed animals and get ready for The Bachelor. :-)

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