Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Big gay love

One of my new show obsessions (The other is Weeds) is Big Love on HBO. It's about this family who lives in Salt Lake City and practices polygamy. The husband Bill has 3 wives, Barb, Nicki, and Margie. And there are a total of 6 kids (and one on the way). It basically shows every week the different struggles that this family faces. One of their biggest struggles is keeping their beliefs secret. Since watching this show it has made me think. If people are fighting to get same-sex marriages legalized why can't polygamy be legal? Trust me I don't agree with either. I believe that marriage should only be between one man and one woman. However, if homosexuals are going to fight so hard for their "rights" shouldn't polygamist be allowed to do the same thing? Where's the difference? They are both sins, so what gives one more rights?

I'm sure that I have stepped on some peoples toes with this post, but be that as it may. The beauty of America is freedom of speech and thought


Sarah said...

I agree!

Sarah said...

I agree!

Frank Brockerman said...

I disagree. If you want to hold me to your religious standards - can I hold you to mine?

Sarah said...

when I say I agree. I mean in the sense that if gays can fight for their rights then so should people who want more than one wife or husband etc... However, I do not think in my opinion that gay people should be able to marry or people should have more than one spouse at a time, but if we are then gonna give permissions to one then we should to all.

Anonymous said...

I think anyone who is not 100% caucasian should not be allowed to get married. Just my freedom of speech.

Ally said...

Wow Anonymous poster thats a pretty radical point of view.