Monday, August 20, 2007

1, 2, 3, 9. 24, 99

Little Shawn starts kindergarten in one week so for the past few month I've been going over letters and numbers with him. His letters he has down smooth, but the numbers were a different story. For the past few weeks I've been having him write them. Some days he would get them instantly and as soon as I told him how great they were he would go and do more and screw them up. Shawn and I started getting frustrated because we knew he knew how to do it because we had seen him do it numerous times, but he was being lazy. So we tried different things to break it, no TV, going to bed early, time-outs, toys gone, etc. But nothing seemed to work. Last Saturday we all went shopping and bought him a GameBoy. Monday morning comes around and I say to him "Shawn lets do your numbers" and every set he brought out was PERFECT PERFECT PERFECT. All day he did them and all day and for most of the week they were right. However, one of the days he wasn't doing so well so I told him I was going to throw the GameBoy away and you know what he said to me? "That's okay mom (he calls me "mom") I can't beat it anyway so you can throw it away" I looked at him and tried my hardest not to laugh. I ended up taking it away for the rest of the day and he got his numbers right. I just wanted to share our triump. I am so glad that we finally got the number thing down. Now we just have to get him to not take 30 minute showers!

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