Saturday, June 30, 2007

A round crescent?

I saw an advertisement this week for new Pillsbury dough crescent rolls. Now they are in a new shape....ROUND. Uh forgive me, but I know sometimes I'm slow but aren't crescent rolls supposed to be in the shape of, a, CRESCENT!? I think they need a new marketing guy.
Maybe I'm wrong. I could be wrong, I usually am....but I'm feeling pretty confidente about this one.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Bookworm's new home

I'm a total bookworm. Always have been, always will be. I found this really cool site that lets you keep track of all the books you've read and want to read. It also allows you to write and review other book reviews from users. The coolest thing is its like Myspace for nerds! You can also add friends to see their reading list too. If your interested look me up and add me!!!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

I was a baaaad kid

Early Saturday morning I was laying in my bed replaying various memories from when I was younger, and I thought of one of the times that I got in MAJOR trouble. I was never a really bad kid or teenager, although some would argue I still am I teenager, but that's not relevant now, so like I was saying, I never snuck out of my house, threw wild parties, done drugs, I've only been run in to the wall, can't pull your pants up drunk, twice in my life (which I think is pretty good), so I've never really given my parent's headaches over my behavior. But having said all that, I was a bad kid. I used to get in trouble over the dumbest stuff in the world! One time in particular I was about 12 and it was in the early stages of my dads company where he used to go out and visit clients. Well one night he had an appointment and so we all went with him (I think there was 6 or 7 of us at the time) and waited in the car while he went in and did his thing. We had been sitting in the car for nearly 2 hours and we hadn't had dinner so we were all a little crazy. My mom was upfront nursing one of the babies, the boys were fighting and me and my sister Abby were going at it. I don't exactly remember what she and I were arguing over but I ended up spraying her in the face with a water bottle. A little background on my sister Abby. I love her dearly, but she is a bit of a drama queen, whenever we would fight she would scream and cry so loud my parents thought I was trying to kill her. So back to that night....I spray her in the face with WATER and she starts screaming and crying, and mom tells me to apologize and I refuse, to make a long story short I was told to apologize or not be able to go a concert the next day...Guess what? I refused to say I was sorry and missed the concert. So you see, I wasn't necessarily a horrid kid, I was just, defiant and stubborn, but on little things. But my favorite story of all time is the time I got caught shaving my legs....

I was about 13 and my best friend at the time had invited me and Abby over to spend the night, we stopped at my house with her older sister to pick up our clothes and stuff and decided to ask my mom if I could shave my legs, my mom said yes, and that night I shaved my legs for the first time. Well after that I was hooked on my silky smooth legs and took every opportunity to shave them. I had been shaving my legs for about 3 months when I finally got "caught". In October the women in our church went on this women's retreat thing. Because I wasn't old enough to participate Abby and I went and babysat my best friends little sister. After one of the meetings that night we decided to go swimming, well I was like "Great! another opportunity to shave my legs!" so me and my best friend hopped in the tub and started shaving our legs, I was almost finish when my mom came in the bathroom and was like "What in the world are you doing!?" so in front of all my friends (who were about 3- 4 years older then me) I get busted for shaving. I was so embarrassed and ended up having to go home. I have never to this day figured out why I got in so much trouble, because I thought when my mom said yes once, she meant forever....I was wrong. Now 7 years later I am no longer friends with any of those people, I mean how could I be? I was humiliated that night, it was hard having to see them all the time and know that they thought of me as the crazy razor girl.....sigh....Nope I'm just kidding, I'm not friends with them, but for reason much bigger then a razor and some shaving gel. And I am now addicted to shaving my legs. I buy every new razor that comes out, I spend at least $50 every 2 weeks on shaving paraphernalia, and get freaked out by even the tiniest stubble on my leg. Sometimes I wish I never started in the first place.....Such a bad habit to break.....

Friday, June 15, 2007

Venue Searching...Again

Since Shawn and I decided to move the wedding back we also decided to change venues as well. Ive been watching the Style Networks marathon runs of Whose Wedding Is It Anyway? And I have totally fallen in love with the New York style loft spaces that they NY brides use. So Ive been looking around here to find something similar. So far I can’t find any type of big empty loft space, but I have found a couple places that have a very chic city vibe to it. The first place is my absolute favorite. It’s a restaurant/lounge called Ixia. It’s gorgeous! It has a blue, gold and white theme through out the restaurant. The only drawback is we may have guest upstairs in the mezzanine and downstairs which I don’t want to do. But we could have a heavy cocktail reception so we won’t need tables and people can just mingle. Shawn and I are going on Saturday for dinner to actually see the place and taste the food, which looks, and sounds AMAZING. So fingers crossed that it’s a doable option for a wedding reception.

If you want to check out pictures go to . Click all the different options and let the picture slide show run.

Friday, June 08, 2007


I think I mentioned in one of my older post that we were getting engagement pictures taken. We did and they turned out really well. We had my friend Ashley take them because I haven't booked a photographer yet, and we needed them ASAP for invitations, and plus Ashley is really really really really good. We went up to Annapolis, MD (where I used to live). I stupidly didn't check to see if there was anything going on down there, and there was. Some type of boat/naval academy thing. I'm not sure what exactly it was though, but we got some great pictures.......I guess your wondering if these pictures are so great why I haven't posted them yet. That's an easy answer. I have developed a new bad habit...laziness. There's a disk sitting on my desk waiting to be loaded to the computer. I can't promise them this weekend. But maybe next week I'll post them.

I'm Baaaaack

It's been ages since I've been able to update my blog, and now I finally have a free moment. A lot of stuff has happened since the last time I wrote (April, wow no idea it was that long ago). New interesting developments with the wedding and work.

So first I'll tell you about work. I've been here now for a month and some change. I like it. I spend most of the morning at the office and then the remainder of the day I'm downtown at the townhouse. Being at the townhouse can be a little boring because I only show it about 2-3 times a week, and I don't have a computer so I can't do any work. After I make phone calls for bids and stuff I'm kinda left twiddling my thumps and flipping through a magazine. Something really scary happened at work yesterday. The part of Baltimore the house is in, is (in my opinion) not one of the safest neighborhoods. So far I have shown the house to a few crack heads and have found condoms and needles in the driveway. Yesterday on my way downtown my boss called from the office saying his cell phone was stolen literally out of his hands while he was talking on it. So I was a little bit weirded out. I get to the house do my daily tidying up and so forth and around 2:30 I heard a man screaming my name through the alley. So I jump up and I'm like "Why is Shawn here?!" and I peek out the front patio door and it's this very large man who, to put it nicely did not look like he was in the market to purchase a house. So I grabbed my cell phone called Shawn, ran downstairs and locked the front door. Shawn flips and leaves work to come over. All the while I'm sitting there freaking out. Shawn finally shows up and we go driving around the block to see if I could find him, we never did. So I left work early and left a note for my boss telling him what had happened. I mean, wouldn't you be scared if some man you had never seen before walked through an alley screaming your name?! But today I will put on a brave face, keep the front door locked, and crow bar near my feet (just in case)

Since the last time I wrote Shawn and I have decided to push our wedding back until March 29th. I started thinking about it a few weeks ago. With my new job, and music, and getting Shawn set up here I have fallen behind on a lot of wedding task. And because of the lightening speed at which our relationship has traveled we are now really just getting to know each other. So I said to myself "Why on earth are we rushing to the alter by October?" no logical reason at all is what we came up with. We both feel much better about waiting until March . Come March our numbers are a little better to. We will have been dating for 16 months, engaged for 13 months, and living in the same state for a year. Sounds better then our previous numbers, right?

We also decided to try and buy a house by November as well. When I started at my new job I fell in love with the townhouses and we were going to buy one of those, but I'm not really excited about living down in the area. Lot's of rodents, murders, adult movie theaters, and other not so nice things. Don't get me wrong though the houses are great, but the area, not soooo much.

Well that's all for now...See ya in July sometime!