Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Cryptic Love Life

I need to tell what has been gnawing at me for the past week. However, I can't give too many details away because the people or persons this is referencing may or may not read my blog. Therefore I'm going to be as cryptic as possible, while still making sense. Ready? Set? Go!

So about a week ago Person A told me that Person B told them that I may or may not like Person C and want to go out with Person C. And Person C may or may not want to go out with me. But if that happens there will be major repercussions for one or both us. The thing that's driving me nuts is that before Person A told me this I wasn't into Person C that way. But now that I know I can't have Person C and Person C possible wants me, pisses me off because I can't have Person C! It's soooo ridiculous. I mean Person C is definitely hot and sometimes seems interested in me but now no one can do anything about it. Now enter Person D. Person D and I had a little thing going for awhile. It was great, but now Person D has vanished and now I'm wondering if maybe Person B told Person D to stay away from me! Gosh as if my love life (or the lack there of) isn't already complicated enough. I don't need Person B or Person A for that matter butting into what could potentially be really good or really bad with Person C or Person D.

So you follow all that???


MomOf2nHappy said...

I totally followed it and I think if you want to venture out and possible check out person C even if he is not available and as far as person D vanishing because of person A or B dont stress

Ally said...

Yeah your totally right. I do want Person C :-)