Monday, October 22, 2007

Happy Birthday to Me

Happy Birthday to ME! My 20th birthday was on Saturday. Shawn got me a massage-which was MUCH needed, I've always had the worst back and neck pains-tickets to see Colbie Caillat in November and he also found me a dog that I really wanted but that fell through an hour before we were supposed to pick him up. We had been looking for a Maltipoo or Cockapoo for the last few months now. We wanted one that was a bit older so that it could already be house trained. So after searching for a few months we finally found one. I spoke with the lady on Friday and she said we could come pick him up. I was so excited! Then when we came home from being out all day Saturday there was an email in my inbox from the woman telling me that her daughter begged her not to sell him so they changed their minds! I was pissed and kind of sad. So now we are going to try and find another older one, but if we can't we will just get a puppy and have to go through the whole "potty training" thing which I did NOT want to do.

Feeling 20 (so far) feels no different at all. I hate that question of "So how does being (insert age here) feel?!" I think it's the lamest birthday question ever! The only positive thing about being 20, is that word "teen" is no longer attached to me. Saying "teen" feels so awkward!

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