Today was another doctors appointment and ultrasound. This ultrasound was scheduled because back at our sonogram where we found out the sex they found a choroid plexus cyst on Baby P's brain. We found out about it at our appointment after the sonogram at like 20 weeks or so. And let me tell you it was a long and scary 8 weeks. Our doctor assured us that there was 99% chance that everything was fine because everything else checked out A-OK. We had the option of having an amniocentesis test but the risk of miscarriage with that test was higher then what I felt comfortable with. So we decided to wait until 28 weeks for another sonogram. When the doctor first told us I put on the bravest face I could but as soon as she walked out I just crumpled. But after coming home and doing hours of researching I was calmed down a bit. There was a lot of prayer going on with Shawn and I. Not just that everything would be fine, but also if it wasn't that God would give us the strength that we would need to deal with the situation. So we arrive today and as soon as I get on the table my heart started racing. I ended up having to turn on my left side several times because I was getting so dizzy I thought I was going to pass out. But thank God the technician assured us that everything was fine and the CPC had cleared up.
We did find out that Baby P has a big head. His head is measuring at 30 wks. That didn't come as a shock to us because big heads seem to run on both sides of the family :-D Baby P is already in position which is good so fingers crossed he'll stay that way. He seems pretty feisty and a little, uh, difficult. Because just like the first sonogram we had the hardest time getting him in the correct position to check the important things. We were however able to get a 3D shot. I'm going to post it but it's not the greatest quality because I don't have a scanner so I had to take a picture of the picture. But he is soooo cute and reminds me of my little sister Julianna.
Pray for us, we are headed on an approximately 17 hour trip to Minnesota Wednesday for Shawn's brothers wedding (yeah Paul and Becca). The guys are really excited about the drive, I on the other hand am not looking forward to the drive so much as I am to get to the hotel and swim. For the last several months I've been "craving" swimming water. It's so weird. I want to swim sooooooooooo bad!

Babies **Sigh** ;-)
So happy for you!
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