27 weeks/2 days. 13 weeks. 3rd Trimester. Coming into the home stretch people! I can't believe I'm 7 months pregnant already! Everything here in Baby World is going good. Baby P is kicking like a wild man! He's not as active during the day (much like his mother) but all of a sudden at night he comes alive! Some nights he's kicking so hard I swear he's trying to escape. I've just reached the point now where I can actually watch him kick me. It's amazing, he's amazing, and I'm amazed! Whenever I read all of the books and get my weekly updates of how I should be feeling I always check them against my actual feelings. I've been waiting for the onslaught of crazy hormones and mood swings. For a little while I wasn't sure if I would
really be able to tell the difference between my normal mood swings. I'll confess I am a bit of a mood swing person. I am not laid back at all. But the one thing I have never really been is super sensitive. So now the pregnancy mood swings have kicked in and instead of being (more) of a raging bitch (I'll admit) I am this sensitive little sissy! Everything makes me cry. Last week Shawn was complaining about how cold it was in our house (I'm always hot) and usually I would just say "Get a sweater or some socks and hush!". But when he said it the other day I felt like it was this personal attack on me and I started bawling! It's so crazy how sensitive I am. I haven't had any swelling of the hands, ankles, or face (yet) and I'm really hoping it stays that way. I have new pictures to post from today and up until I reviewed the pictures I didn't feel like my belly was getting any bigger, but then when I saw the pictures back I was like "Whoa! He's in there!!!'"
So 13 weeks and counting! Let's do this!

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