Monday, April 07, 2008

Paranoid Momma

I think I'm going to be one of those super paranoid moms. Which is so unlike me. I've felt the baby do a few kicks here and there but Thursday morning (also happened to be a doctors appointment) it was like 6 AM and Shawn was up getting ready for his morning run and my hands were on my belly and I felt Baby really kick. So I called for Shawn because although I've felt some movements before he hasn't been able to feel anything. That morning though Shawn was able to feel him kick several times. And then all day Baby was just kicking up a storm (do I have the future David Beckham in me??)So here's why I think I'm going to be paranoid. Ever since we found out I was pregnant every little "feeling" or slight pain or whatever I'm freaking out. Since Thursday Baby seemed to be on this schedule of being really up in the early morning, late afternoon, and late evening. And then when I would eat something he would go crazy! I had started to set my watch (not literally) by his movements, however yesterday he was very quiet and I started getting really nervous. By 8 PM he had kicked a few times but not like he had in the previous days. So in the middle of the night I woke Shawn up (which I seem to be doing a lot lately) and told him that he wasn't moving and Shawn said "He's probably you should be" so I go back to sleep and first thing this morning I told him "If I don't feel movement by 11 AM were calling the doctor!" about an hour later it was like Baby was like "Chill out crazy lady I'm fine" because he started kicking more. I'm going to be that mom who dresses her kids in like 5 layers regardless of weather and every time they go outside to bike ride or skateboard they're going to have on full protective armour!

Thursday was another Doctors appointment, all looks well. When my OB went to check Baby's heart rate he did this huge kick and was kicking up a storm making it hard for her to get his heart rate. I think he's a little anti social and likes to be left alone, like me!

I started a prenatal yoga and a Pilate's DVD today. Which really helped me achey back and so forth. I'm hoping to do it everyday and if not at least everyday, every other day, because I hear the stretching and exercise really helps with labor. At least that's what the books say! I'm currently reading 4 books now, it's so much information to take on. I'm worried I won't remember everything!

Book List:
1. What to expect when you're expecting
2. The womanly art of breastfeeding
3. Natural Childbirth the Bradley Way
and for fun..
4. The Memory Keepers Daughter

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