We were all set today to take a spur of the moment trip to the D.C. Zoo. We dressed quickly and ran out the door...But one problem...We had locked both set of keys in the house! UGH! Of all things! So for about 30 minutes Shawn climbed up and down the deck (no stairs) trying to figure out how to get inside the house. We called a locksmith of course and they wouldn't give us any kind of quote of what it could possibly cost and then they had no available locksmiths. So Shawn and I went underneath the deck to the entrance of the basement and noticed the window and miraculously we were able to literally pop the window out without breaking it and pop it right back in! By then I was already hot and couldn't imagine walking around the zoo. Not to mention my calf muscle was having these weird painful spasms all night and into today. So we decided to go to the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History. All set to go to D.C. we then take the wrong exit and end up driving all the way down Connecticut Ave (which is totally stop and go with all the lights) to get downtown. Finally we make it, force ourselves into the parking space and head to the museum and what do we see? A huge police convoy. So we're thinking "Great! It must be someone important! Little Shawn will love this!" The day before little Shawn had been asking about court houses and judges (we were near the courthouse)so I explained what a judge was, etc, etc. So today on the way to D.C. Shawn decided to turn our drive into another lesson (trying to earn some more parenting chips) and started talking about the President and such (by the way little Shawn is voting for 'A-rock Obama. So anyway back to the police convoy. We're all excited (I'm thinking it's the President), but it turns out its a bunch of neo-Nazis protesting! I was absolutely flabbergasted! I couldn't believe, number 1. That they were allowed to do that and 2. That our tax dollars we're paying for it! I was almost near tears. On one hand it's a realization how free America is and lucky we are to live in our country where we have the right to say and believe what we want, but then you realize how hateful these people are. They were marching for a "pure white America" yet I saw many, many, black police officers, Hispanic officers, and I'm sure some Jewish officers actually protecting them. It was really sad and disgusting.
We eventually did make it into the museum and had a great time. Looking at all those huge skeletons of animals and things and the exhibits of nature pictures just shows me how amazing God is. How complex our world is and that He took the time to create all of these amazing things. How could you not see His hand in this? Who else could have done it? Certainly not some explosion in the galaxy!
Here's a few pictures from our trip:

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