So this past weekend was our big move. It was a long and dis-organized week (not on our part) but I'm so glad we're in. There was a lot of cosmetics stuff that the previous owner promised to take care of and like 3 days before our move in date none of it was done and to top it all off Saturday afternoon was spent getting rid of all this trash that they had left in the basement. Luckily because we had not collected huge amounts of stuff while we were in the apartment it was easy to unpack everything, so we moved everything in Friday night went to sleep and was all set up by Saturday evening. I'd post pictures but we need to paint the living room, which we plan on doing in the next 2 weeks. So I'll get pictures up soon. But I really love the house. It's great with all this space.
Up until last week I had counted myself amongst the few lucky pregnant ladies. I didn't have any morning sickness, which I hear is pretty brutal and I felt I was sailing through my 2nd trimester smashingly, then all of a sudden I started waking up with awful back, neck, and all around full body aches. I've always had back problems, which is why I had breast reduction surgery, but nothing like this. The pain was so bad yesterday I wanted to curl up and cry! I started sleeping with a body pillow but it wasn't helping, so I went on a baby message board and asked about maternity pillows and someone suggested a feather mattress. So I ordered one today so I'm hoping that will help me sleep better and help combat all the body aches
After we got all settled in Shawn asked when I wanted to start working on the babies room and I originally said end of May early June, and then yesterday I decided I was ready to make decisions about what I wanted to do. I knew that I didn't want to do anything to babyish or uber boy, like cars, trucks and baseballs. So I use all my time online looking at different ideas. So yesterday after finding a crib I decided I was ready to make a decision. So the following are pictures of the crib, bedding, and the
blik stickers we are going to use on the wall. Now don't hold it against me if I post pictures of the nursery in August and it's something totally different. I'm very indecisive. After I order the bedding we are going to start painting, I personally would like to keep the walls white (a bright white). There's something really fresh and clean about that idea, but I think Shawn really wants to paint. So I'm sure we will. Well sorry this post was so long, I'm a pretty long winded person
Here are the pictures:
Wall Graphic we may do like 2 or 3 of these on the walls
alt=""id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5184759117611880994" />Crib