If you haven't seen the WTC movie yet I recommend that you all go and see it pronto! It was the most intense movie I have seen since The Passion. I'm a rather emotional being, everything makes me cry. So at the opening scene of a CLOCK I started bawling and didn't stop until I got into the car. I felt like I was there in the elevator shaft. It's was crazy! It makes me appreciate all the brave men and women who were there that day and all of our troops in Iraq now. We get so caught up in the politics of the war and what the President is doing wrong, but we forget about what we are fighting for and who's fighting for us. The constant bashing does nothing but diminish what these people are fighting and dying for and causes us to forget 9/11. We forget about these peoples family's who everyday have to live with the constant pressure of not ever seeing their loved ones again. After seeing the movie it gives me a new appreciation for our service men and it solidifies with in me that I won't forget about 9/11.
Anyway go and see the movie, it's great.
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