Round 1. Baltimore City is lowering the passing grade from 70, to 60:
Essentially these kids are still failing right? They won't be up to par with the rest of the counties in Maryland, and they still won't be able to get into universities unless universities decide to lower their standards as well. I have a better idea. Don't lower the standards. Come up with better tools so that these moronic children will want to learn. Baltimore City/Mayor O'Malley is not helping them he's just making it easier for them to get jobs at McDonald's
Round 2. Miss Montana doesn't know what integrity means:
Did you watch the Miss Teen USA pageant Tuesday night? Top 5 was, Miss Virginia, Miss North Carolina, Miss North Dakota, Miss Montana, and Miss Georgia. During the final question they all gave relatively dumb answers (Miss North Carolina laughed through most of hers) but the crown goes to Miss Montana for being the dumbest! This year they let the judges write the final questions, so Miss M. picked out her question. Her question was "What does the word integrity mean to you?" Do you know what this fool did? She gave the definition of perseverance! She said "Well the word integrity means that you don't give up no matter what obstacles you face, your driven and no one can stop you. That's what integrity means to me" Insert fake blonde smile here. No you friggin' idiot! That's wrong! What she was asked to do was give the definition of integrity in her own words and use an example to relate back to her and her experiences. But the craziest part is that she won!
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