My Baby's 4 weeks old today. It honestly does seem like just yesterday I was screaming my head off and begging for someone to get me a gun (I'm a little dramatic). But it's been a great 4 weeks. Phoenix is changing everyday and as much as makes me happy to see him growing sometimes I get a little sad knowing he won't be like this forever, so sometimes I literally will just sit and stare at him. He's a great baby. He can be a little testy at times. He hates being stripped down to only a diaper and loves to be held, bounced, and rocked at pretty much all times. Thus making sleeping and showering two things I don't really understand anymore. But he still has this quiet zen like quality to him. He went to his first movie last week. Sisterhood of the traveling pants and he did great! I never wanted to be one of those moms who's like chained to the house because of a baby so in his short little 4 week life Phoenix has made it to several restaurant outings, several shopping trips, the movies, the pool, school orientation, church twice, and a birthday party. He's really awesome when we go out. He's never fussy and sleeps most of the time. He also is starting to develop a liking to being outside. Shawn loves to go jogging in the morning and he took him with him yesterday and Shawn said he was just a laughing and smiling the whole time. And because of the run (I believe) he was in the BEST mood yesterday even allowing us to undress him for the doctor without going berserk! He also loves to go outside on the porch and sit in his little chair with his Dad. I'm not what you would call an "outside kind of girl" so the outside outings are his times to bond with Daddy. He has an abundance of nieces and nephews that love him to pieces! Every time I'm with my family arguments are breaking out over who held him last and for how long.
Also in these 4 weeks Phoenix has undergone one major life change....A name change....I know you're like "What in the world?" See when we found out we were having a boy Shawn and I decided we wanted to honor our dads by using their names, (Alexander for Shawn's dad and Scott for my dad) well the other day Shawn and I were talking about how his 2nd middle name should have been Troy (my Dad's first name) because of his Greek heritage (now he will end up with 3 Greek names) and Troy was also the site of the great victory Alexander had over Asia, plus we liked how it sounded. So now he will be Phoenix Alexander Troy Campbell....I know we must be awful parents to change his name at this stage and then saddle him with such a mouthful!
Well it seems like my little Monkey (one of his several nicknames, I also call him Fin, Fin-Fin, Finni-Fin-Fin, Butter, Butters, and Butter Ball)seems to be stirring so I must tend to him....
And check out my photo album because that's where I post all the new pictures
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