Sunday, January 13, 2008


Whew! What a week it's been! This is all still such a surreal feeling. Friday afternoon Shawn and I were out and about 2 minutes before we got to our destination I started telling some random story (as always) and he was like "Alex!!" and he turns the radio all the way up and sure enough it was the song! It was crazy! We were screaming and laughing and then all of a sudden one of the greatest rappers out comes on....JAY Z! That was the icing on the cake Jay Z on The Arkitects song. It was amazing. And then after that we heard the song 3 more times in an hour on other stations and later that night heard it again like 5! Every day since Friday we hear it at least 3 times when we are in the car. We hear they are even playing it now on Hot 97 in NY.

Every time it comes on I just sit there and think "Wow, our lives are changing right now" It's weird and exciting all at the same time. 13 days into the New Year and look at what God has done. It's been such a hard year in every area of life you can imagine and it's like God is saying "I haven't forgotten you" I am so excited for what this will do for Shawn's career and I'm so excited about what opportunities this will afford our family.


1 comment:

Missy Watch Blog said...

Radio likes it so far! Congratulations-- I can only imagine the feeling!