Saturday, October 06, 2007

I needs me a hobby

Sometimes people just get bored with things. I've gotten a little bored lately with two things. 1. My "look" so now I'm debating if a hair color change will fix that or a totally different haircut/style-Victoria Beckham anyone? Nah, don't think so. 2. I want a hobby of sorts. I used to write short stories, but I don't feel inspired to do that anymore. Blogging is sort of an outlet, but still not satisfying my creative urges. I thought about photography, but isn't that kind of an expensive hobby? I mean if I suck at it, I've spent all this money on camera equipment and stuff. I want to make something, something that would also satisfy my fashion design thirst but I can't sew (I never tried, but I can't even put on a button). When I was about 12 I used to "sketch" designs but according to my mom I wasn't very good. So I stopped that. So I thought and I thought. I watched Martha Stewart for ideas and finally decided on jewelry making. It sounds pretty easy and who knows if I'm good enough I could even try and sell it on Etsy and turn a profit. Anyway, I'm not sure where to start. Are there books to read? What kind of tools do I need? Where do I get supplies? Should I take a class?? Is there anyone out there who reads my little blog who does this? If so point a clueless girl in the right direction! I'll be forever grateful!


Anonymous said...

The best place to start is Google. You can find just about anything if you jut "google" it. Although I hate that phrase I don't know what else to call it:):). So start there also you can search blogger for blogs that showcase people that are jewelry designers so that would be my 2 cents for today:):) Hope it helps!! Good Luck! Keep me posted and let me see some of your work maybe I will buy some:)

P.S. Speaking of Jewelry I sell Premier:):) yes the lovely premier:) hehehehe. If you ever want to do a book show where you live I mail you a couple books and you could get a couple hundred dollars in free. Anywho, just thought I would throw that in:)

Anonymous said...

Making jewelry may look easy, but trust me there is a loy of learning to go on behind it. I have been beading for almost 3 years and not every thing is easy. If you really want to do it go to a local bead store, sign up for classes and see how it feels for you. There are things,such as simple stringing, that are very easy but try getting into intricate metal work or weaving work and you are talking aboit lots of $$ spent and time.

Well really for any jewelry making you are talking lots of money for anything of quality in your supplies.