I'm sitting here waiting for Top Chef to start and started thinking about how much I love my guy. I don't think I've written much about him so tonight I dedicate this post to you love :-)
I'll admit I am not the easiest person to get along with. Hell I'll even dare to say that some (ok maybe a lot) of people don't like me. And on top of that most people don't understand me. But some how he does. Some how he sees past all the fog that surrounds me and loves me for me. Every morning without fail before he leaves for work he comes over and ask me what I dreamed about because he knows how I love to tell my dreams, he kisses me on the forehead and he heads off. He watches every lame rerun of Friends and King of Queens. He is much, much, older then me. Not quite old enough to be my dad....but maybe my uncle, but he never makes me feel that way. I could tell him the same story 50 million times (and I have TRUST me) over and over again. Sometimes more then once a day and he smiles and acts just right at the punch line. Never stopping me because he's heard it. I'm a bit stubborn and controlling. A little bossy and domineering. I have trouble with saying "I'm sorry". I'll admit. But all though I'm sure it sometimes (ok more then sometimes) pushes his buttons he gives me chances to work on it and get better. He held my hand when I was very scared. He held my hand when I fell apart. He's helping to put me back together one mangled piece at a time. He rubs my hair. He nuzzles with me while we fall asleep. He's seen me at my absolute best and he's seen me at my lowest, I mean lowest point.
There is sooooo much more I could sit here and say, but I run the risk of sounding sappy and way too girlish. All I know is that I've never questioned his love. Not once. It's not what he does for me or what he says. Its simply the essence of him and how he loves me that pushes me into that wonderful cloud of love every day. We have our up's, we have our downs, we have our down downs, and then we have our UP UP'S and I could never imagine spending my life without him. It's not easy to love me, not by a long shot. But somehow he makes it seem effortless.
He's as sweet as candy
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