A few months ago I wrote about Britney Spears on
MySpace blog after watching her interview with Matt Laurer. In the interview that I'm sure all of you saw. Britney genuinely expressed sadness over the way the paparazzi and the rest of the world was scrutinizing her and her behavior. After wathcing it I have to admit that I felt bad for her. She really was (or did seem) like a normal person trying to make her marriage work, raise her 1.5 kids, and revive her career. But as of late Britney has seriously hit rock bottom again and this time we can't blame it on Kevin Federline. My understanding of her after she married Kevin was that she married into serious trash and he was

dragging her down, but I don' t think that was the case. I remember when I was younger and sharing a room with my sister that my parents always used to get on us about how our room was always messy. My sister always blamed it on me, and I of course always blamed it on her. But after awhile my parents finally separated us and the culprit of the messy room was finally found out. I hate to admit it, but it was me. So that has got me thinking. Maybe Kevin wasn't Britney's problem. Maybe she's always been crazy, but we chose to ignore it. After the split I was elated! Finally old Britney would be back, I'll even admit I was holding out for a Justin reunion. In the beginning things looked promising, but things are starting to fall again and guess what? Kevin is nowhere around! What could possibly be the explanation of her down fall? The stress of raising two kids? But we hardly ever see her with them. The criticism of the press? But if she just stopped acting crazy they wouldn't be as extreme. The lack of love in her life? Again on her, that underwear model she was with Isaac Something had an interview in a celebrity weekly like two weeks ago saying how needy she was. So what is it? Maybe she's just plain Crazzzzzzzzzzzzzzy, like her song "Crazy, I just can't sleep..." Wait! I got it maybe she should just sleep...Sleeping solves everything.
Open letter to Britney Spears:
Dear Ms. Spears,
After evaluating you current behavior antics I have decided that the best form of treatment would be to take one Xanax and take a long nap, maybe for about a week. Hand your two little babies off to one of you 20 nannies and when you awake on February 24th, go to your nearest wig store and fix your hair. By then you should be as good as new.
Signed with love,
A concerned Ex-Fan
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