Christmas is over, time to put away the tree, and get ready to start a new year. It's now the time for the all important "New Years Resolutions". Every year mine goes something like this "Work out more." And every year...I fail. I have a really nice run of it for about half the year and then it completely falls to the waste side. So this year I decided to come up with a resolution that's a little more attainable and actually quite interesting....
It all started with that Victoria Beckham Coming to America Special. I was completely captivated by her and her personality. I thought she was major! I especially liked when she said that you will (almost) never catch her in a pair of flats, she said that a ..."sexy confident woman always wears heels" Well maybe it's not 100% true because I'm sure there are some women who think they're confident and sexy and never wear heels. However, I decided that I liked that truth. So for about a week I tried to do it, but my downfall was going shopping and walking around in light blue platforms for 5 hours. Well this year at Christmas Dinner my mom, my sister, and I (is that grammatically correct? oh well) started talking about the Beckhams and the heel thing. So the 3 of us decided to make that our new years resolution. I know what some of you may be thinking "How stupid and shallow can you be?", well I would say "How creative can we be" everyone this year will have the following 1. Exercise, 2. Lose Weight, 3. Stop smoking, 4. Learn something new, 5. Eat better, 6. Volunteer more, 7. Help the people in Darfur/New Orleans. I mean how mundane and carbon copy can you be? My new years resolution is also pretty practical. I'm 5 feet tall so it's imperative that I give myself a lift somehow! I probably only own 3 pairs of flats and 3 pairs of tennis shoes anyway and all the other shoes are various heights of heels. When I do wear heels I feel like I can conquer the world. I feel level with everyone else instead of some 5 ft 20 year old midget.
So today I started. As tired as I was and majorly bummed about having to go to work I slipped on my favorite pair...My silver pumps.
Wish US luck!
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Shawn Reading
Here's a video of Shawn reading The Brown Bears. Ignore me saying "Ah!" when he skips brown and goes directly to bear. Gotta keep him on track!
Check out this video: Shawn reading
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I tried uploading this a million times on Blogger but every time I did I got an empty box with that damn red X. I saw it both in the preview and when it was posted, so I had to get it from MySpace. Any ideas why that was happening? Thanks
Check out this video: Shawn reading
Add to My Profile | More Videos
I tried uploading this a million times on Blogger but every time I did I got an empty box with that damn red X. I saw it both in the preview and when it was posted, so I had to get it from MySpace. Any ideas why that was happening? Thanks
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Napping at work
It's lunch break time here at the new job and started thinking about lunch breaks I've had in the past. Sometimes I used them to go shopping, read a magazine, watch a TV show on, finish work, or one time nap...and that leads me to my story....
It was the summer after I got back from Bible School. I had my first "real" job at a law firm. I had worked before but it was for my dad so that work environment was very easy going and laid back. This was the first time I had worked outside of his company. I was the receptionist and it was my lunch break. I drove and got some lunch came back to the office and went in to the lunch room. The way this office was set up was pretty unique because we had two offices in the same building. One for the conference room, lunch room and paralegals offices, and the other for the attorney's and myself. So I went into the 2nd office went in the lunch room and ate my lunch. I think I had like an hour break or something. And I remember half way through I said I was going to close my eyes for a second and put my head down. Well a second turned into 45 minutes past my lunch hour! I jumped up wiped the drool off my face and ran into the other office. The paralegal who was covering for me was very nice about it and said she had done it before as well, but to be careful. From that day forward I never napped at work again!
It was the summer after I got back from Bible School. I had my first "real" job at a law firm. I had worked before but it was for my dad so that work environment was very easy going and laid back. This was the first time I had worked outside of his company. I was the receptionist and it was my lunch break. I drove and got some lunch came back to the office and went in to the lunch room. The way this office was set up was pretty unique because we had two offices in the same building. One for the conference room, lunch room and paralegals offices, and the other for the attorney's and myself. So I went into the 2nd office went in the lunch room and ate my lunch. I think I had like an hour break or something. And I remember half way through I said I was going to close my eyes for a second and put my head down. Well a second turned into 45 minutes past my lunch hour! I jumped up wiped the drool off my face and ran into the other office. The paralegal who was covering for me was very nice about it and said she had done it before as well, but to be careful. From that day forward I never napped at work again!
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Litter Police
I remembered a funny story today. The summer before last my brother worked at this pharmacy/old fashioned lunch counter thing like 15 minutes from my job. So on Fridays I'd get off early and go pick him up and he'd get me lunch. Anyway we lived about 40 minutes away so were driving home one afternoon and we had all this trash from lunch so Troy rolled down the window and tossed it out. When we pull into the driveway this lady pulls up next to us and tells me that she watched us throw trash out onto the interstate and wants us to go pick it up! We lived like 15 minutes from the interstate so this lady followed us the whole time. So Troy says "Lady are you serious!? Go away" and she drove off.
Now I know a lot of people are going to think I am the worlds worst person for littering. I know its bad and I shouldn't do it yada yada yada. I'm not proud of it, I am sorry, and feel bad about it. But I hate seeing trash in the car and when it gets to be too much I toss it. I'm getting slightly better. Not that this excuses it-But,my whole take on that "ruining" the planet thing and global warming is when God is ready for the earth to implode under us it will happen and no amount of Save The Earth days will help it.
Now I know a lot of people are going to think I am the worlds worst person for littering. I know its bad and I shouldn't do it yada yada yada. I'm not proud of it, I am sorry, and feel bad about it. But I hate seeing trash in the car and when it gets to be too much I toss it. I'm getting slightly better. Not that this excuses it-But,my whole take on that "ruining" the planet thing and global warming is when God is ready for the earth to implode under us it will happen and no amount of Save The Earth days will help it.
Saturday, December 08, 2007
A promotion in less then a week
Last month I decided that being home day in and day out was not it was all cracked up to be. For the first few months it was pretty fun. After 7th grade I never had a real summer break because I decided to graduate early so I was always doing school work plus I was working for my dad 40 hours a week and then right after graduation I went to Bible school came home and I've worked full time since. So this summer when I had the opportunity to not go to work I decided to use it. But then once Shawn started school I got really bored. So anyway moral of the story is I started looking for a job last month and on my my first (and only) interview I was hired at this huge Electrical Company. I started Monday and it was quite different then what I was used to. I've never worked for company that had more then like 12 people at one time. This company is huge and has like 30 people who work in the office plus another office in VA plus all their field guys. I got a job as an Administrative Assistant and by Wednesday I wasn't loving it because I was doing a bunch of busy body work. Stuff that I was doing for my dad when I was 11 and 12. I felt like I was really going backwards considering my last two jobs were office management positions and running basically the entire company while my boss was cruising and gambling in the Bahamas. Anyway so Wednesday I was really bummed out because the position I was told about in my interview didn't seem like the position I was doing....BUT Thursday I get a called into my bosses office and she says one of the project managers (who I'd met one time) requested me to come and be the office manager for his new 2 yr job! She said he came in and said "I want her!" my boss said she was pretty disappointed because she wanted to keep me but he wanted me. The position is MUCH better then what I'm doing now. It's right on the same line as my other position except instead of managing 12 or 15 field guys I will be managing over a 100! The one down side is for the first month or so there will be no inside plumbing in the office we have on the job site-which is a trailer. He plans to get plumbing before I get down there but can't guarantee it. But I will have my own porta-potty! Oh goody!!!! I think I'm just going to go in the morning before I leave home and not go until I come home! And my hours are really good too 7:30 until 2 or 3. I can hold it that long...(i think)
Awesome 1st Dance
Whenever I get married I totally want to do this. Mine will be 10 times funnier because I can't dance a lick!!!!!!!
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Woman Beaten
Dec 6, 2007 3:00 AM (16 hrs ago) by Luke Broadwater, The Examiner
BALTIMORE (Map, News) - As Sarah Kreager, 26, tried to sit down on a Baltimore City bus Tuesday, police say, a middle-schooler told her she couldn’t. When she attempted to take another seat, a middle-schooler wouldn’t let her. Finally, according to police, Kreager just sat down.
She was “immediately attacked” by nine students — three females and six males — from Robert Poole Middle School. They punched and kicked her at 2:59 p.m. at the intersection of 33rd Street and Chestnut Avenue, according to Maryland Transit Administration police.
Kreager was dragged off the bus and her boyfriend, Troy Ennis, attempted to get her back on, police said.
She sustained “serious injuries” and had to be transported to the University of Maryland Shock Trauma Center, according to a police report. Related Articles:
Woman assaulted by nine teens on transit bus
Kreager suffered two broken bones in her left eye socket, police said.
“She had eye muscles that were damaged,” a police report states. “She had deep lacerations on the top of her head and another above her neck.”
Two seats and the bus’ rear glass were destroyed during the attack, police said.
The bus driver on the No. 27 line quickly called police, who responded and arrested the nine juveniles, said Jawauna Greene, an MTA police spokeswoman.
All nine suspects, ages 14 and 15, were arrested and charged with aggravated assault.
Their bus tickets — provided by the school — have been revoked, Greene said.
“Riding the bus is a privilege,” she said. “Public safety is our primary concern.”
Greene said the investigation into the incident was ongoing and she didn’t know whether the attack had anything to do with the victim’s race.
The suspects in the incident are black. The victim is white, according to the police report.
Baltimore resident David Briggs, who lives near the crime scene, said the incident underscores Baltimore’s pervasive crime.
“Now, I can't even ride the bus,” he said.
Examiner Staff Writer Stephen Janis contributed to the article.
There are all types of marches and national news coverage on those Jena 6 teenagers, but I'm sure this will never make national news. And of course when the victim tries to press charges Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton will be on there way here and say she's only pressing charges because their black.
Friday, November 30, 2007
Diet Pepsi
I hate anything with the word diet or sugar-free attached to it. It's always so gross. All of the sodas have always given my headaches because of the aspartame in it.....BUT....Shawn came home with a case of DIET Pepsi Max the other day and it's so good! I can't even taste all the Splenda crap they usually put in it. I'm hesitant to start ordering or buying regular diet stuff when I go out, but maybe since I'm 20 now I may like it.
Go buy some!
Go buy some!
Thursday, November 29, 2007
This post has completely no point and is solely for my amusement (as a lot of my post are) Begin:
I want to make a list of things that start with the letter "N". Shawn had homework this afternoon and one sheet was to draw lines to pictures of things beginning with the letter "N" and then to draw something else. He brings it to me to check and he has drawn two little sticks with circles on top that are supposed to be nails. I wasn't sure if we could really hand that in so him and I start trying to come up with things that are drawable(is that a word)by a 6 year old and start with "N". We were both drawing complete blanks as was his father (who I commissioned to help through Gmail Chat) so we decided to stick with nails but wrote the word in the space so his teacher would know we weren't being lazy.
So now I'm going to make a list of all the non-drawable things that start with "N" that I can think of.
Native American
Nail clipper
Nail gun
Nail glue
Nail polish
Nice (as in the city)
Ok well :-) That's all I can think of....Phew that was hard!!!! I'm off to make French Onion Soup mmmmmmm
I want to make a list of things that start with the letter "N". Shawn had homework this afternoon and one sheet was to draw lines to pictures of things beginning with the letter "N" and then to draw something else. He brings it to me to check and he has drawn two little sticks with circles on top that are supposed to be nails. I wasn't sure if we could really hand that in so him and I start trying to come up with things that are drawable(is that a word)by a 6 year old and start with "N". We were both drawing complete blanks as was his father (who I commissioned to help through Gmail Chat) so we decided to stick with nails but wrote the word in the space so his teacher would know we weren't being lazy.
So now I'm going to make a list of all the non-drawable things that start with "N" that I can think of.
Native American
Nail clipper
Nail gun
Nail glue
Nail polish
Nice (as in the city)
Ok well :-) That's all I can think of....Phew that was hard!!!! I'm off to make French Onion Soup mmmmmmm
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Two Graves To Dig
When you begin a journey of revenge, start by digging two graves: one for your enemy, and one for yourself.- Chinese Proverb
Isn't that how revenge happens? I love quotes. It's one of my favorite things, see my list below. In fact when mobile texting and mobile groups became hip I joined a group that sent out daily quotes. I love them. When I find one (or when I even become inspired to write one) I love to post it here or write in a notebook or mark it down other various places.
The latest one came from the book I'm reading 19 Minutes, By Jodi Picoult. It's about a kid who's bullied in all throughout his schooling "career" and goes on a shooting rampage at the high school. It's very good and also very unnerving. I find myself wanting to stop whatever I'm doing after horrific bullying incidents are recounted and find my brothers and give them a stern talking to about bullying. However, I'm finding myself having sympathy for the shooter. I feel awful, but I can't help it. I hear myself saying "Well now I know why he killed them."
Anyway I saw this quote at the start of chapter 2 and it made me smile(not a full out smile, kind of a lopsided grin thing) because that's exactly how revenge is. I've plotted numerous revenge scenarios in my head against people but I certainly don't have the guts to do it. When I read the Proverb I remembered the story I heard a few years back about the father who found out his 2 year old child was being molested by the neighbor and he went and killed him, only to find out later, the mother made it up. I was so sad when I heard that story. I couldn't possibly imagine being in that mans shoes and the agony he must have faced.
So the moral of the story? Those out there who are thinking of caring out a revenge plot...Don't do it! You'll regret it for certain!
In case you forgot:
When you begin a journey of revenge, start by digging 2 graves: one for your enemy, and one for yourself.- Chinese Proverb
Monday, November 26, 2007
Wounded by a friend? That's crazy talk!
I was on MySpace today looking at a friend's profile. On this particular friend's Friend List I noticed one of their friends (I've totally said the word friend 4 times in 2 sentences, actually make that 5) names and it said "Better are the wounds of a friend..." That struck my slightly odd so I Googled it to see who had said it. I was shocked-and a bit embarrassed seeing as I was a bible school student way back when and should have known this-to see that it was a scripture in Proverbs (27:6) Faithful are the wounds of a friend, But deceitful are the kisses of an enemyand then I looked up a different translation and came up with this, Wounds made by a friend are intended to help, but an enemy's kisses are too much to bear.
I'm sorry but I do know the Bible is a very truthful thing. All though at times I don't abide by everything in it doesn't mean I don't believe. But this particular verse I just can't cosign for. I mean I have been wounded by a "friend" (in quotations for obvious reasons) and I have also been kissed by the enemy and I'll tell you I certainly prefer the enemies kisses any day. Now I'll stop you right there before you leave me a comment (whomever "you" maybe) to tell me the "enemy" is the Devil. For 1. I looked it up in my Thompson Chain Reference Bible and saw no cross referencing to Satan himself. and 2. If it does mean the devil then certainly I don't want kisses from him...But let's just say for a minute that's it's a human enemy. You know the kind. The guy at work who makes his snides remarks when you walk by. The cashier at your supermarket who bangs your groceries up or how about just that nasty kid that always makes fun of your new shoes in the hallway. Those are enemies and you know they are. Their behavior shouldn't shock you, it's a daily thing with enemies, so let them kiss you because you know it's just a lie. But what about them friends. You know the kind. The coworker that talks to you every Friday about that Grey's Anatomy shocker or forwards you Perez Hilton stories but reports back to your boss that your always late or online surfing the net. Then there's that "friend" that neighborly friend that comes over to gossip with you (Desperate Housewives style of course) only to broadcast your marital problems or financial problems as soon as she goes over to Mrs. Hubers house for tea and crumpets. The list could go on and on of various types of frenemies.
Why would anyone every prefer to be wounded by a friend? It's borderline craziness. Are you a masochist? Do you like the pain and anguish a friends wounds put you through???
But yeah I just think it's a pretty weird scripture. Maybe one not to be taking literally, kinda like the one that tells you to remove your own body parts if it offends you.
I'm sorry but I do know the Bible is a very truthful thing. All though at times I don't abide by everything in it doesn't mean I don't believe. But this particular verse I just can't cosign for. I mean I have been wounded by a "friend" (in quotations for obvious reasons) and I have also been kissed by the enemy and I'll tell you I certainly prefer the enemies kisses any day. Now I'll stop you right there before you leave me a comment (whomever "you" maybe) to tell me the "enemy" is the Devil. For 1. I looked it up in my Thompson Chain Reference Bible and saw no cross referencing to Satan himself. and 2. If it does mean the devil then certainly I don't want kisses from him...But let's just say for a minute that's it's a human enemy. You know the kind. The guy at work who makes his snides remarks when you walk by. The cashier at your supermarket who bangs your groceries up or how about just that nasty kid that always makes fun of your new shoes in the hallway. Those are enemies and you know they are. Their behavior shouldn't shock you, it's a daily thing with enemies, so let them kiss you because you know it's just a lie. But what about them friends. You know the kind. The coworker that talks to you every Friday about that Grey's Anatomy shocker or forwards you Perez Hilton stories but reports back to your boss that your always late or online surfing the net. Then there's that "friend" that neighborly friend that comes over to gossip with you (Desperate Housewives style of course) only to broadcast your marital problems or financial problems as soon as she goes over to Mrs. Hubers house for tea and crumpets. The list could go on and on of various types of frenemies.
Why would anyone every prefer to be wounded by a friend? It's borderline craziness. Are you a masochist? Do you like the pain and anguish a friends wounds put you through???
But yeah I just think it's a pretty weird scripture. Maybe one not to be taking literally, kinda like the one that tells you to remove your own body parts if it offends you.
Happy Thanksgiving
Happy (completely and utterly late) Thanksgiving. I hope this blog finds all my readers happy, well fed and thankful. This Thanksgiving for me was a big surprise. This year Shawn and I had decided to spend Thanksgiving at our apartment for various reason. I went shopping and purchased a 12 lb turkey and all the Thanksgiving "accessories". Then Thanksgiving morning I get a call from my mom inviting us over to my parents house for Thanksgiving dinner. I was really excited to go because I hadn't seen my little sister or brothers for a little while, but I was annoyed that I had just spent all this money on Thanksgiving stuff. Plus I had printed out handy little turkey tips and had already opened the turkey so we could have "crispy skin". So anyway we went to my parents and had a very lovely time seeing my uncles and grandparents and so forth. The day after Thanksgiving has always been our tradition to go see a movie so we went and saw "Fred Claus" and spent the rest of the evening at my Pop-pop and Gannie's to celebrate my uncle's birthday and my sister Arianna's birthday. Saturday I cooked the 12 lb turkey and it was very, very good. I'm pleased to say that I am pretty good cook. But we'll be eating off that thing for the rest of the week I'm sure!
Thanksgiving this year meant much more for me in previous years. Previously I'd run down my list of your standard things "I'm thankful for my health, my family, etc" But this year all of these things were true times 10. I had a lot to be thankful for this year! Now I'm looking forward to Christmas!
Thanksgiving this year meant much more for me in previous years. Previously I'd run down my list of your standard things "I'm thankful for my health, my family, etc" But this year all of these things were true times 10. I had a lot to be thankful for this year! Now I'm looking forward to Christmas!
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
New music stuff
Last Sunday Shawn got GREAT GREAT GREAT news about his music. One of his songs was picked up for the soundtrack (and possibly the movie) for Step It Up 2. The really great news is that it's for Missy Elliott! They want to put it on her new album as well....AND it's a very strong contender to be a the first single. Missy Elliott herself is lobbying for it to be first. If you know anything about the music industry you know that having a single is the best possible solution and that it opens all sorts of doors for you. Plus it also helps that it's Missy Elliott, everything she touches turns to gold! Things happened so quickly which is very unusual in music. Shawn is so excited about everything. He keeps waking me up in the middle of the night to tell me how excited he is. Of course in his industry nothing is written in stone until the album is actually released but the heads at Atlantic and Missy herself are all really liking the song. They've already recorded it and mixed it last week and looking for it to hit radio by December or so! Will keep you posted!!!
Monday, October 22, 2007
Happy Birthday to Me
Happy Birthday to ME! My 20th birthday was on Saturday. Shawn got me a massage-which was MUCH needed, I've always had the worst back and neck pains-tickets to see Colbie Caillat in November and he also found me a dog that I really wanted but that fell through an hour before we were supposed to pick him up. We had been looking for a Maltipoo or Cockapoo for the last few months now. We wanted one that was a bit older so that it could already be house trained. So after searching for a few months we finally found one. I spoke with the lady on Friday and she said we could come pick him up. I was so excited! Then when we came home from being out all day Saturday there was an email in my inbox from the woman telling me that her daughter begged her not to sell him so they changed their minds! I was pissed and kind of sad. So now we are going to try and find another older one, but if we can't we will just get a puppy and have to go through the whole "potty training" thing which I did NOT want to do.
Feeling 20 (so far) feels no different at all. I hate that question of "So how does being (insert age here) feel?!" I think it's the lamest birthday question ever! The only positive thing about being 20, is that word "teen" is no longer attached to me. Saying "teen" feels so awkward!
Feeling 20 (so far) feels no different at all. I hate that question of "So how does being (insert age here) feel?!" I think it's the lamest birthday question ever! The only positive thing about being 20, is that word "teen" is no longer attached to me. Saying "teen" feels so awkward!
Friday, October 12, 2007
The Time Travelers Wife
I have to recommend to everyone who likes to read to go and get "The Time Traveler's Wife" by Audrey Niffenegger. I'm only on page 54 (Just started a little bit ago) and it's one of the best books I've read this year!
Oh and if you like to read look me up on Goodreads so we can swap book list!
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Art show pictures
Saturday, October 06, 2007
I needs me a hobby
Sometimes people just get bored with things. I've gotten a little bored lately with two things. 1. My "look" so now I'm debating if a hair color change will fix that or a totally different haircut/style-Victoria Beckham anyone? Nah, don't think so. 2. I want a hobby of sorts. I used to write short stories, but I don't feel inspired to do that anymore. Blogging is sort of an outlet, but still not satisfying my creative urges. I thought about photography, but isn't that kind of an expensive hobby? I mean if I suck at it, I've spent all this money on camera equipment and stuff. I want to make something, something that would also satisfy my fashion design thirst but I can't sew (I never tried, but I can't even put on a button). When I was about 12 I used to "sketch" designs but according to my mom I wasn't very good. So I stopped that. So I thought and I thought. I watched Martha Stewart for ideas and finally decided on jewelry making. It sounds pretty easy and who knows if I'm good enough I could even try and sell it on Etsy and turn a profit. Anyway, I'm not sure where to start. Are there books to read? What kind of tools do I need? Where do I get supplies? Should I take a class?? Is there anyone out there who reads my little blog who does this? If so point a clueless girl in the right direction! I'll be forever grateful!
Monday, October 01, 2007
I have Gmail for my email and Google puts select quotes for me on my inbox page and the following quote just popped up and I really liked it so I wanted to post it.
Vittorio Alfieri - "First thoughts are not always the best."
Vittorio Alfieri - "First thoughts are not always the best."
Sunday, September 30, 2007
I am just...
I was listening to one of those music channels on TV while I was cleaning the kitchen. And my favorite by Building429 came on. I love this song. My favorite Christian songs are the ones highlighting who God is. I mean...He's God. My favorite line is You are God and I am man. So I’ll leave it in Your hands. I am so extremely guilty of doing this life thing in my own strength, with my own mind. Surprise, surprise, I can't ever seem to figure it out. Why? Because it's not up to me to figure out. Trusting God in all aspects of my life has always been so hard but when I hear songs like these I realize that He is there for me and all the weight and burdens I've been carrying on my shoulders He wants to take them for me.
No one else knows-Building429
My world is closing in
On the inside
But I’m not showing it
When all I am is crying out
I hold it in and fake a smile
Still I’m broken
I’m broken
Only one can understand
And only one can hold the hand
Of the broken
Of the broken
When no one else knows how I feel
Your love for me is proven real
When no one else cares where I’ve been
You run to me with outstretched hands
And You hold me in your arms
I need no explanation of why me
I just need confirmation
Only You could understand the
emptiness inside my head
I am falling
I am falling
I’m falling down upon my knees
To find the one who gives me peace
I am flying
Lord I am flying
When no one else knows how I feel
Your love for me is proven real
When no one else cares where I’ve been
You run to me with outstretched hands
And You hold me in Your arms
I have come to you in search of faith
Cause I can’t see beyond this place
Oh You are God and I am man
So I’ll leave it in Your hands
Friday, September 28, 2007
Where do babies come from?
Ok I have to make another update about babies and Shawn. He was in his room watching MeerkKat Manor and comes out and starts talking about babies again. So I was asking if he was going to be nice, and let the baby play with his toys, etc. Then he starts telling me I have to go to the hospital and there will be lots of blood. And I said "Well where do babies come from?" want to know what he says? "There's a big circle and the babies wiggly and they go in and they change to a baby!!!"
Have you ever seen Look Who's Talking? He described the scene where the sperm fights its way in. Shawn said he used to watch that movie all the time!
I was rolling on the floor laughing because I did not expect that!
Oh and P.S. We aren't talking about babies because I'm pregnant. It just happenes to be little Shawn's favorite thing to bring up.
Have you ever seen Look Who's Talking? He described the scene where the sperm fights its way in. Shawn said he used to watch that movie all the time!
I was rolling on the floor laughing because I did not expect that!
Oh and P.S. We aren't talking about babies because I'm pregnant. It just happenes to be little Shawn's favorite thing to bring up.
Why women have babies
Since the summer time little Shawn has been obsessed with us wanting to have a baby! Every time he sees a pregnant woman he's like "Oh mom, want a baby?" So today we are watching an old Friends episode where Rachel is pregnant and he gets up and starts talking about how I need to have a circle belly and he starts poking his stomach out and saying I need to get really fat. So we start talking about him being a big brother I asked what he wanted more a brother or a sister. So he says a sister, so I asked what he wanted to name the baby and first he said Sally and I was like "Uh no!" So he said "Oh after you mom. We can name the baby Alasierra!" (Alasierra-Alexandria). But the funny part was when he sits down in between Shawn and I and I said "Hey how about Dad has the baby!" and he was like "No mom he can't! He's a human boy! Plus he's smart!!!" Big Shawn was like "We're raising Archie Bunker!"
So there you have it according to our 6 year old boy women have babies because they aren't smart!
So there you have it according to our 6 year old boy women have babies because they aren't smart!
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Nope-doesn't have a speech problem
Ok so in my post earlier today I was talking about little Shawn (aka The Kid) and how Shawn and I felt he had a speech problem. Well now I feel the need to correct my earlier statement and say he does not have one. After doing the book challenge with him we sent him to bed and I came out and was reading the speech book. While I'm reading it I'm like "He can say all of these words clearly" So I started reading the words to Shawn and we are both like he says those words, so we called him out to the living room. I knew he wasn't asleep yet, he goes to bed at 8, but doesn't fall asleep until like 9:30. Anyway we start quizzing him on some words that he should be able to say clearly. Run, Bring, Sun, Mother, Bath, and some others. And he says them all just fine. There was one things we noticed that he has problems with the \T/ sound. Like hurt, is hurk, after, mother, and father, he replaces the th with a d and so on. But we realized the biggest thing was the speed in which he said things. I said to him "Say 'Lets go to the beach'" He said 'Lets go to the bea" really fast but when we stopped him and told him to say each individual word he said it pretty clear. We were both relieved to find out it was just a speed and a slight fluency issue instead of something bigger. When Shawn first got custody of him at age 4 he said all he did was babble and mumble. Even when I met him in December he did the same thing. It's amazing the progress he has made since moving here in February. So now I need to make another trip to the library. We seriously go like everyday!
Now I gotta go because Private Practice is starting!! Woo-Hoo I'm so glad TV season is back. (I'm a TV addict!)
Now I gotta go because Private Practice is starting!! Woo-Hoo I'm so glad TV season is back. (I'm a TV addict!)
Learning to read
Last night was Shawn's first try at reading. The elementary has a 100 book challenge and so every night they bring home books to read. Last night Shawn brought home "Z". So after dinner all three of us settled in Shawn's room. The book itself only had four words in it. Zigzag, Zipper, Zero, and Zebra. We started out really good, the first word was Zebra. He got that one right away because it was accompanied by a picture. The next one after that was Zigzag. That one was a little bit harder but he sounded out all the letters and was able to read it (partially) he said Sigsag instead of Zigzag he has a bit of trouble was certain letters so today I went and got a book from the library about helping your child with his speech problems. Sometimes he's hard to understand, and because reading is starting it's important we start working on that now. But anyway when he got the word zigzag right me and his dad were screaming and tickling him and telling him how good he did. Then we got to zipper and he read it and we were like "Oh good job" and he was like "You have to scream and say 'Great job Shawn'!!!" Then the second time around he wanted to teach us how to do it. We were so proud of him to hear him read. We also got a big bike for him yesterday. We put it n his room until we can get training wheels and he laid in front of it all night while watching Animal Planet.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Go buy it!
Today everyone needs to go to and order Che'nelle's new CD Things happen for a reason The Arkitects (Shawn) have a song on the album. Number 3, Teach Me How To Dance. You may have also heard the song in the movie Take the lead
So do me a favor and go buy it!!!
Here's a review from an user:
On her way!, September 7, 2007
By SexyBrownLioness "Lady Feline" (Linden, NJ USA) - See all my reviews
I happened to hear a promo cd and I liked it. I had to listen to it 2x to get the full appreciation of her voice. I like ALL OF THE SLOW TRACKS and more slower tracks could have been incorporated into the cd. A lot of the faster tracks sound the same. For some reason, "Teach Me How To Dance" is very inviting. Of all the songs on the cd, "Summer Jam" was my least favorite. Overall, I believe this young lady is very talented and it is refreshing to hear some new talent!
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Be Unto Your Name
We are a moment, You are forever
Lord of the Ages, God before time
We are a vapor, You are eternal
Love everlasting, reigning on high
Holy, holy, Lord God Almighty
Worthy is the Lamb Who was slain
Highest praises, honor and glory
Be unto Your name, be unto Your name
We are the broken, You are the healer
Jesus, Redeemer, mighty to save
You are the love song we'll sing forever
Bowing before You, blessing Your name
~Lynn DeShazo & Gary Sadler
Lord of the Ages, God before time
We are a vapor, You are eternal
Love everlasting, reigning on high
Holy, holy, Lord God Almighty
Worthy is the Lamb Who was slain
Highest praises, honor and glory
Be unto Your name, be unto Your name
We are the broken, You are the healer
Jesus, Redeemer, mighty to save
You are the love song we'll sing forever
Bowing before You, blessing Your name
~Lynn DeShazo & Gary Sadler
Sunday, September 09, 2007
Calling on a Higher Authority
Remember a few post back I told you about the new book I'm reading Emotional Blackmail by Susan Forward. Well last night I got to the best part of the book. The part that my blackmailers most certainly use. It's called
Calling on a Higher Authority
When friends and family aren't sufficient reinforcement for emotional blackmailers, they may turn to a higher authority such as the Bible or other outside sources of knowledge or expertise, to shore up their positions. This form of pressure may sound as simple as "My Therapist says you're being bitchy" or "I took a course where they told us..." or "Dear Abby says..."
Wisdom resonates differently in each of us, and none of us can claim a monopoly on it, but we can't count on blackmailers to insist, by pulling selective quotes, comments, teachings, and writings from a host of sources, that there is just one truth...Theirs.
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Snow Peas
Last night history was made in the Campbell/Scott household. For the last (almost) year I have been trying to get (BIG)Shawn to eat vegetables. The first time we went to dinner with my parents he ordered chicken fried rice or something and when they sat his plate down he got this scared panicky look on his face because it had peas in it! Every time I make dinner I of course do a vegetable and he never eats it. I love just about all vegetables and so does (little) Shawn, he could eat a whole plate of broccoli only. However, for some reason we just can't get the SR. Campbell to do the same.
So like I said history was made last night. The other day we went shopping for books and I picked up Rachel Ray's cookbook and The Desperate Housewives cookbook. I made something from the DH book from Gabbriele's section. Sweet and Tangy chicken...with snow peas.....Well I diced, sliced, and stir fried everything....and ta-da...He ate the peas and not only did he eat them he ENJOYED them! I was so excited! I know, I know, it's just vegetables, but I'm the type of person's who's moved by the little things. So I think now I should make snow peas every night!!!
I cheated :-(
I'm a cheater. I swore I would never do it but today I gave in and.....I joined Facebook. I think I like it better then MySpace (shh don't tell Tom) So if you know my last name look me up and add me.....
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Emotional Blackmail
In my short little life I've been in a few relationships with people that were emotionally draining, emotionally abusive and as I am now learning...emotionally blackmailing me. There is a situation that Shawn and I are currently dealing with that doesn't seem to be changing any time soon. For the last 3 months or so we have done everything within our power to try and change the other people involved. But we can't. The change has to first start within Shawn and I. Both of us are completely drained and beat down from the goings on of this thing. So today I did some research online for material that would help us deal with this.
And I found a book called "Emotional Blackmail". It's about people in your life who use fear, obligation, guilt, and manipulation to get what they want.
In this last months every person has found reason to point the blame on us to point to us why things aren't being rectified. I just started the book and on page 13 it offered it's first nugget of insight....
It was so refreshing to see that what we had been feeling was real and quite frankly valid. Emotional blackmail is a viscous cycle that I know I've been on for a long time now. Its completely exhausting and I'm ready to get off the crazy carousal ride and move on.
I'm sure that as I delve further into the book other things will pop up, so I'll be posting them...Hope you don't mind......
And I found a book called "Emotional Blackmail". It's about people in your life who use fear, obligation, guilt, and manipulation to get what they want.
In this last months every person has found reason to point the blame on us to point to us why things aren't being rectified. I just started the book and on page 13 it offered it's first nugget of insight....
If people genuinely want to resolve conflict with you in a fair and caring way, they will:
*Talk openly about the conflict with you
*Find out about your feelings
*Find out why you are resisting what they want
*Accept responsibility for their part of the conflict
...You can be angry with someone without trying to beat them up emotionally. Disagreements, even strong ones, don't have to be mixed with insults or negative judgements.
If someones primary goal is to win, he or she will:
*Try to control you
*Ignore your protests
*Insist that his or her character and motives are superior to yours
*Avoid taking any responsibility for the problems between you
When you see that other people are trying to get their way regardless of the cost to you, you're looking at the bottom-line behavior of the emotional blackmailer.
It was so refreshing to see that what we had been feeling was real and quite frankly valid. Emotional blackmail is a viscous cycle that I know I've been on for a long time now. Its completely exhausting and I'm ready to get off the crazy carousal ride and move on.
I'm sure that as I delve further into the book other things will pop up, so I'll be posting them...Hope you don't mind......
Monday, September 03, 2007
Pictures of furniture
Chair from Ethan Allen: Now I do have to say that this picture makes the chair look likes it pleather and really ugly! But we are getting it upholstered in a zebra print (predominately black print). I couldn't find that online. When the chair comes in I'll get a picture. Oh and we're getting the ottoman too which has a storage compartment in it.

Living room set: (Just a picture of sofa)

Our new bed from Pottery Barn: Not sure what color, debating between white or black (of course)
Living room set: (Just a picture of sofa)
Our new bed from Pottery Barn: Not sure what color, debating between white or black (of course)
Let my words be few
This song used to one of my favorite worship songs and it just popped in my head today and I've been singing it all day....
You are God in heaven
And here am I on earth
So I'll let my words be few
Jesus, I am so in love with You
And I'll stand in awe of You, Jesus
Yes, I'll stand in awe of You
And I'll let my words be few
Jesus, I am so in love with You
The simplest of all love songs
I want to bring to You
So I'll let my words be few
Jesus, I am so in love with You
*Phillips, Craig, and Dean
The chorus always got me. I am always in awe of what God does in my life and in the lives of others around me. I may be 900 miles away from where I should be, I'll admit that. But when it comes to God's power and is infinite love for his child I can't help but smile. There really isn't anything else to say other then "I'm in awe of you God"
You are God in heaven
And here am I on earth
So I'll let my words be few
Jesus, I am so in love with You
And I'll stand in awe of You, Jesus
Yes, I'll stand in awe of You
And I'll let my words be few
Jesus, I am so in love with You
The simplest of all love songs
I want to bring to You
So I'll let my words be few
Jesus, I am so in love with You
*Phillips, Craig, and Dean
The chorus always got me. I am always in awe of what God does in my life and in the lives of others around me. I may be 900 miles away from where I should be, I'll admit that. But when it comes to God's power and is infinite love for his child I can't help but smile. There really isn't anything else to say other then "I'm in awe of you God"
Furniture Shopping
We are now finally at the 2 month mark of the big moving day. I know Shawn's excited and we just told little Shawn (aka The Kid) last night and he was like "So when the clock says 2, we move to the city?" But I am extremely excited! Like totally bursting at the seems! I'm so ready to get out of Baltimore. We have had 209 murders this year, that is up 30 since last year. So I've started furniture shopping. I asked Shawn if we moved if we could get all new stuff. I'm huge, huge black and white fan. (remember the wedding colors) So I decided to do the apartment in black and white with silver and red accents. We started furniture shopping a few weeks ago. I found this really great couch at Ikea of all places. I didn't really expect to find a living room set I liked but we found this great white leather set! I really wanted white furniture but was hesitant to get white because of the stain factor, so I thought of going with a black and white print. But when we went to Ikea the other weekend we saw the one we really liked. Then Saturday we went to Ethan Allen and found this great sleeper sofa/chair. Its a bit bigger then a regular chair, it's a little smaller then a loveseat. We got that in a black and white zebra print! I totally, totally love it!! It takes 12 weeks to come in :-( So I won't get to see it for awhile.
In preparation of the move of been going through some of my things trying to declutter. The one drawback of New York apartments is that they are small of course. So I cleaned my closet out Thursday and had hoards, and hoards of clothes that I didn't want anymore. I was just going to take them to the thrift store but saw a commercial Friday about this place called Plato's Closet that buys your stuff. So we pack the car up and drive over there. I had 2 rubbermaid containers filled with stuff and they took 4 things!!!!!!! They were like "Sorry but because of the condition your stuff is in" I was like "The condition! You've got to be kidding me!" My stuff is in great, great condition. I even had Gucci bag in there and they didn't want it. It was the weirdest thing! So we just took the stuff to the Salvation. Now I have like a 100 books that I need to get rid of. Anyone want to buy them??????
We can't start apartment hunting yet because its too soon. I've called a couple agencies and they told us to get back to them the beginning of next month. One place I found 3 of my favorites and I have my fingers crossed that they are still there next month.
In preparation of the move of been going through some of my things trying to declutter. The one drawback of New York apartments is that they are small of course. So I cleaned my closet out Thursday and had hoards, and hoards of clothes that I didn't want anymore. I was just going to take them to the thrift store but saw a commercial Friday about this place called Plato's Closet that buys your stuff. So we pack the car up and drive over there. I had 2 rubbermaid containers filled with stuff and they took 4 things!!!!!!! They were like "Sorry but because of the condition your stuff is in" I was like "The condition! You've got to be kidding me!" My stuff is in great, great condition. I even had Gucci bag in there and they didn't want it. It was the weirdest thing! So we just took the stuff to the Salvation. Now I have like a 100 books that I need to get rid of. Anyone want to buy them??????
We can't start apartment hunting yet because its too soon. I've called a couple agencies and they told us to get back to them the beginning of next month. One place I found 3 of my favorites and I have my fingers crossed that they are still there next month.
Giving your baby away
1 Kings 3:16-27
16 Now two prostitutes came to the king and stood before him. 17 One of them said, "My lord, this woman and I live in the same house. I had a baby while she was there with me. 18 The third day after my child was born, this woman also had a baby. We were alone; there was no one in the house but the two of us.
19 "During the night this woman's son died because she lay on him. 20 So she got up in the middle of the night and took my son from my side while I your servant was asleep. She put him by her breast and put her dead son by my breast. 21 The next morning, I got up to nurse my son—and he was dead! But when I looked at him closely in the morning light, I saw that it wasn't the son I had borne."
22 The other woman said, "No! The living one is my son; the dead one is yours."
But the first one insisted, "No! The dead one is yours; the living one is mine." And so they argued before the king.
23 The king said, "This one says, 'My son is alive and your son is dead,' while that one says, 'No! Your son is dead and mine is alive.' "
24 Then the king said, "Bring me a sword." So they brought a sword for the king. 25 He then gave an order: "Cut the living child in two and give half to one and half to the other."
26 The woman whose son was alive was filled with compassion for her son and said to the king, "Please, my lord, give her the living baby! Don't kill him!"
But the other said, "Neither I nor you shall have him. Cut him in two!"
27 Then the king gave his ruling: "Give the living baby to the first woman. Do not kill him; she is his mother."
Thursday, August 30, 2007
He's not a giant
Hmmm....I should probably add that the kids in the picture with Shawn are not his classmates, they are his busmates. The girls are in Pre K. I looked back at the picture and I was like "Uh, Shawn is a giant!" He is pretty tall for his age almost as tall as me which I should mention is no great feat.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
2nd 1st Day

Today was Shawn's second, first day of school. It's weird how they set it up. Thursday night was orientation, which actually should have been named "Just come see the classroom" and then Monday was orientation and half day of school. The kids didn't do anything put color a coloring sheet and then we all went home. Tuesday he was off and then today (Wednesday) was the first day he got to ride the bus it was still half day today and tomorrow and then Friday is full day. But he says he had a lot of fun and he sat down and talked to his "brothers" for some reason I think he thought the other kids were family of some sort. He says he doesn't want to go back until "Maybe Saturday".
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
send checks to cover our BGE bill please
I saw this today on a message board that I frequent
When I read it I was a little put off by the asking people to send them money thing. I think its kind of weird for him to ask people to cover his family's living expenses...There's always this thing called a j-o-b. Then Shawn and I talked about it and here's what he said which I totally agree with
So that would be my two pennies on all of those shenanigans
Ted Haggard's Funny Money
hot document
from: Bonnie Goldstein
Posted Monday, Aug. 27, 2007, at 2:55 PM ET
Hot Document readers will remember the public apology rendered by the Rev. Ted Haggard, founder and pastor of Colorado Springs' New Life Church, after a sex scandal forced him to resign from the church and as president of the National Association of Evangelicals. (Haggard got caught having a sexual relationship with, and buying methamphetamines from, a male prostitute.) Later, after secular counseling, Pastor Ted wrote some of his former parishioners a "personal and private e-mail" (promptly leaked to KRDO, an ABC affiliate in Colorado Springs) to explain that he was no longer gay and that he planned to become a psychologist. Now Haggard's rehabilitation is raising some new, very bizarre questions.
Four months ago the Haggard family moved to Arizona, and last week, Haggard informed KRDO of his newest life decision: to minister to "the homeless, those coming out of prison, recovering alcoholics, drug addicts, prostitutes, and other broken people" at the Phoenix Dream Center halfway house, where the Haggard family will also live. Haggard and his wife, Gayle, now members of Phoenix First Assembly (the "church with a heart"), are also enrolled as full-time students at the University of Phoenix. Minus his $138,000 salary, and with the depressed real estate market preventing the sale of his $700,000 house, Haggard will have trouble making ends meet. So, Haggard asked KRDO reporter Tak Landrock (see below) to help him line up "people who can give a one-time gift or make a commitment to help support us monthly for two years."
Here comes the weird part.
Haggard wrote Landrock that supporters can mail checks directly to the Haggard family at their Scottsdale, Ariz., address, but that if contributors wish to make their donations tax deductible, as they very likely will, they can make out their checks to something called Families With a Mission and write on the check that it is designated for the Haggard family. Ninety percent of these funds will then be forwarded to Haggard, while the remaining 10 percent will cover Family With a Mission's "administrative costs."
When I read it I was a little put off by the asking people to send them money thing. I think its kind of weird for him to ask people to cover his family's living expenses...There's always this thing called a j-o-b. Then Shawn and I talked about it and here's what he said which I totally agree with
but for the grace of God it could be any one of us. We set ourselves up for failure as Christians because we spend so much time trying to deny that we are human. So that we learn to "be human" in private. We are all then "shocked" when the bubble bursts...and what could have been addressed if he was honest with himself...grows out of control.
So that would be my two pennies on all of those shenanigans
Monday, August 27, 2007
Check the pockets
UGH!!!!!!!!! I just got done doing laundry and some good clothes have ink stains all over them!!!! I learned when I used to do the laundry at home that you always have to check guys pockets. My brothers were famous for having the wackiest crap that would get everywhere! You would open the dryer and mounds of candy wrappers, gum, candy, papers, coins, and the like would come spilling out. Sometimes they would have those sticky things you throw to the wall....UGH I would hate that it would be all over my favorite shirt or skirt. So after a few ruined items I started doing my stuff separately and decided that no matter what I would always, always, check the pockets. Well today I didn't friggin' do it!!!!!!! A blue pen from Shawn's pocket exploded over my favorite Banana Republic shirt and other items. So word to all the would be laundry-ers (I know, I know, its not a word!) check the pockets.
1st Day of School
Today was Shawn's first day of school. Its weird how they set it up. Today was half day orientation with the parents, then off Tuesday, half day Wednesday and Thursday, full day Friday. Anyway orientation was today so we all got up extra early. I went in to get Shawn and he was like "One more minute" and I told him today was school and he jumped right up!!! He's such a slow person!! While Shawn and I were getting ready he was supposed to be getting himself together. Well Shawn goes in after he'd been up for like 15 minutes and he was just sitting there putting lotion on like he was in some type of smooth skin commercial. So this weekend we need to get an egg timer so he can learn to stay on track. So we get to school and as soon as we get to his classroom he wanted to usher us out. We had to explain to him like several times that we were staying with him. You could tell he wasn't happy with that at all. The funniest part was when he "outed" me as a soap watcher. All the parents were lining up to go meet the principle and learn about the after school program and Shawn was like "Bye mom, bye dad. Go watch and see if Spike can hear on All my Children" I was like "OMG! Hush!" His teacher doesn't seem very bright and I think the principal and I went to the same preschool. But Shawn seems to like it so were happy for him.
Yeah schools FINALLY here!!!
Yeah schools FINALLY here!!!
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Thursday, August 23, 2007
First Look
Courtesy of Mr. Perez Hilton:
Your First Look

The first official picture of Ariel in Disney’s new Broadway-bound musical adaptation of The Little Mermaid.
Sierra Boggess portrays the title character, and the show is currently having an out of town workshop run in Denver.
We are sooooo gonna be all over this shiz!
The Little Mermaid is one of our favoritest musicals.
Admit it, Part Of Your World rocks you hardcore. One of the best songs evah!
Your First Look

The first official picture of Ariel in Disney’s new Broadway-bound musical adaptation of The Little Mermaid.
Sierra Boggess portrays the title character, and the show is currently having an out of town workshop run in Denver.
We are sooooo gonna be all over this shiz!
The Little Mermaid is one of our favoritest musicals.
Admit it, Part Of Your World rocks you hardcore. One of the best songs evah!
Wednesday, August 22, 2007

I'm sitting here waiting for Top Chef to start and started thinking about how much I love my guy. I don't think I've written much about him so tonight I dedicate this post to you love :-)
I'll admit I am not the easiest person to get along with. Hell I'll even dare to say that some (ok maybe a lot) of people don't like me. And on top of that most people don't understand me. But some how he does. Some how he sees past all the fog that surrounds me and loves me for me. Every morning without fail before he leaves for work he comes over and ask me what I dreamed about because he knows how I love to tell my dreams, he kisses me on the forehead and he heads off. He watches every lame rerun of Friends and King of Queens. He is much, much, older then me. Not quite old enough to be my dad....but maybe my uncle, but he never makes me feel that way. I could tell him the same story 50 million times (and I have TRUST me) over and over again. Sometimes more then once a day and he smiles and acts just right at the punch line. Never stopping me because he's heard it. I'm a bit stubborn and controlling. A little bossy and domineering. I have trouble with saying "I'm sorry". I'll admit. But all though I'm sure it sometimes (ok more then sometimes) pushes his buttons he gives me chances to work on it and get better. He held my hand when I was very scared. He held my hand when I fell apart. He's helping to put me back together one mangled piece at a time. He rubs my hair. He nuzzles with me while we fall asleep. He's seen me at my absolute best and he's seen me at my lowest, I mean lowest point.
There is sooooo much more I could sit here and say, but I run the risk of sounding sappy and way too girlish. All I know is that I've never questioned his love. Not once. It's not what he does for me or what he says. Its simply the essence of him and how he loves me that pushes me into that wonderful cloud of love every day. We have our up's, we have our downs, we have our down downs, and then we have our UP UP'S and I could never imagine spending my life without him. It's not easy to love me, not by a long shot. But somehow he makes it seem effortless.
He's as sweet as candy
Big gay love
One of my new show obsessions (The other is Weeds) is Big Love on HBO. It's about this family who lives in Salt Lake City and practices polygamy. The husband Bill has 3 wives, Barb, Nicki, and Margie. And there are a total of 6 kids (and one on the way). It basically shows every week the different struggles that this family faces. One of their biggest struggles is keeping their beliefs secret. Since watching this show it has made me think. If people are fighting to get same-sex marriages legalized why can't polygamy be legal? Trust me I don't agree with either. I believe that marriage should only be between one man and one woman. However, if homosexuals are going to fight so hard for their "rights" shouldn't polygamist be allowed to do the same thing? Where's the difference? They are both sins, so what gives one more rights?
I'm sure that I have stepped on some peoples toes with this post, but be that as it may. The beauty of America is freedom of speech and thought
I'm sure that I have stepped on some peoples toes with this post, but be that as it may. The beauty of America is freedom of speech and thought
Weird thing #36
Because I enjoyed my whole "I'm weird post" and I'm super bored I decide that I would blog about another weird thing about me. Maybe I'll add a new thing once a week. Admit it, you know you'll love it, Because like a car crash you just can't look away...Wait did I just compare myself to a car crash? Wow. I'm in need of serious help
1. I'm always hot and when I'm not I won't turn the AC off
I'm always hot. No matter what time of day, where I'm at, time of year. I'm always hot! I hate being out doors because, I know I'll be hot. But then there are those rare occasions where I'll be freezing cold and I refuse to turn the AC off. Like Friday before leaving for NY Shawn wanted to turn the AC off. Well I wouldn't let him for 2 reasons. a. It took the maintenance man at least 10 times over a month to finally fix it so it wasn't 80 degrees inside the apartment and b. if when we got home Sunday it was hot outside it would be a sauna inside and I wouldn't be able to function let alone breathe! Well that was a BIG mistake. When we get home Sunday it was bout 70 degrees outside and like 50 in our apartment! It's been freezing ever since and I just won't turn it off. I turn it off for like 10 minutes to knock the chill off and then cut it back on. Maybe I'm having hot flashes
:3-D (a smiley with bags under their eyes)
1. I'm always hot and when I'm not I won't turn the AC off
I'm always hot. No matter what time of day, where I'm at, time of year. I'm always hot! I hate being out doors because, I know I'll be hot. But then there are those rare occasions where I'll be freezing cold and I refuse to turn the AC off. Like Friday before leaving for NY Shawn wanted to turn the AC off. Well I wouldn't let him for 2 reasons. a. It took the maintenance man at least 10 times over a month to finally fix it so it wasn't 80 degrees inside the apartment and b. if when we got home Sunday it was hot outside it would be a sauna inside and I wouldn't be able to function let alone breathe! Well that was a BIG mistake. When we get home Sunday it was bout 70 degrees outside and like 50 in our apartment! It's been freezing ever since and I just won't turn it off. I turn it off for like 10 minutes to knock the chill off and then cut it back on. Maybe I'm having hot flashes
:3-D (a smiley with bags under their eyes)
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
True love is the right person at the wrong time....
When love can flourish against staggering odds....
When love can flourish against staggering odds....
Monday, August 20, 2007
So I think I can sing
I'm in love with recording!!! Shawn just gone done recording me singing and I sound wickedly awesome!!!!!!!!! He's doing all the "producer" stuff to it and then I'm going to email it out and set up a music myspace page. I've been singing since I was about 10 or so and people have always told me that I had a good voice. I've done weddings, and graduations, play, specials at church, etc. But I've never really believe I could sing until just now. I hate to sound pompous, but I'm amazing! Ok a little confidence over aboard huh? Shawn's going to mix and do his thing and the I'm going to post....
one last thing...I'm flippin' awesome!!!!!!
one last thing...I'm flippin' awesome!!!!!!
1, 2, 3, 9. 24, 99
Little Shawn starts kindergarten in one week so for the past few month I've been going over letters and numbers with him. His letters he has down smooth, but the numbers were a different story. For the past few weeks I've been having him write them. Some days he would get them instantly and as soon as I told him how great they were he would go and do more and screw them up. Shawn and I started getting frustrated because we knew he knew how to do it because we had seen him do it numerous times, but he was being lazy. So we tried different things to break it, no TV, going to bed early, time-outs, toys gone, etc. But nothing seemed to work. Last Saturday we all went shopping and bought him a GameBoy. Monday morning comes around and I say to him "Shawn lets do your numbers" and every set he brought out was PERFECT PERFECT PERFECT. All day he did them and all day and for most of the week they were right. However, one of the days he wasn't doing so well so I told him I was going to throw the GameBoy away and you know what he said to me? "That's okay mom (he calls me "mom") I can't beat it anyway so you can throw it away" I looked at him and tried my hardest not to laugh. I ended up taking it away for the rest of the day and he got his numbers right. I just wanted to share our triump. I am so glad that we finally got the number thing down. Now we just have to get him to not take 30 minute showers!
But I love me.
If you read my blog earlier today you may have noticed that I changed the title from "Learning to balance" to "One of my Issues". I was sitting here thinking about all the weird things about me and decided to make a list.
I have a major phobia of escalators
I sometimes walk around closing doors, cabinets, & drawers that don't need to be open
I talk to myself
I LOVE white out
I talk a lot
I love to write my name with sharpies
I could drink two gallons of orange juice all by myself
I'm SUPER controlling
I pout
I follow to closely behind cars
I think that "400 miles a gallon" means I can drive 400 miles on one tank of gas
I bite my cuticles
I turn the TV off whenever a trailer for a scary movie comes on
I have to sleep with the closet door shut
I'm sorta afraid of the dark
I hate instant message and talking on the phone
I still call "dibs" for the TV
I hate math
I love President Bush
I fall down a lot
I'm a creature of habit
My closet is color coordinated
I can't put my clothes away if they are inside out
I like to peel glue off my hands
I like to take cold showers (even in the winter)
I hate the smell of soap
I throw pennies away
I'm afraid of mustard, rats, sharks,& bats
I'm easily amused
I think I have mild OCD
I hate odd numbers
I line things up in pairs
I straighten things up while in line at a checkout
I always think my hands smell weird so I am constantly lotioning and washing them
The smell of soap make me want to vomit
And those are just a few things. I think I've always been weird and as I get older its confirmed over and over. I love these weird things about me. Its what makes me, me. I know I'm almost 20 and about to be married and I am VERY VERY excited about The Little Mermaid on Broadway...but so what! The little things make me happy and the little things freak me out (like having to talk to people) I've dated guys in the past who don't appreciate my love for sharpies or my detest for pennies. That's one of the reason I love Shawn. He sees past this crazy crap that is me. He answers me when I talk to him at night and he doesn't get mad when I get us lost ALL the time.
So maybe I am weird, random, unique, immature, crazy, to young to get married, naive, silly, girlish, childish and all those other things that could be said about me, but I love me enough so you (whoever "you" may be) don't have to.
I have a major phobia of escalators
I sometimes walk around closing doors, cabinets, & drawers that don't need to be open
I talk to myself
I LOVE white out
I talk a lot
I love to write my name with sharpies
I could drink two gallons of orange juice all by myself
I'm SUPER controlling
I pout
I follow to closely behind cars
I think that "400 miles a gallon" means I can drive 400 miles on one tank of gas
I bite my cuticles
I turn the TV off whenever a trailer for a scary movie comes on
I have to sleep with the closet door shut
I'm sorta afraid of the dark
I hate instant message and talking on the phone
I still call "dibs" for the TV
I hate math
I love President Bush
I fall down a lot
I'm a creature of habit
My closet is color coordinated
I can't put my clothes away if they are inside out
I like to peel glue off my hands
I like to take cold showers (even in the winter)
I hate the smell of soap
I throw pennies away
I'm afraid of mustard, rats, sharks,& bats
I'm easily amused
I think I have mild OCD
I hate odd numbers
I line things up in pairs
I straighten things up while in line at a checkout
I always think my hands smell weird so I am constantly lotioning and washing them
The smell of soap make me want to vomit
And those are just a few things. I think I've always been weird and as I get older its confirmed over and over. I love these weird things about me. Its what makes me, me. I know I'm almost 20 and about to be married and I am VERY VERY excited about The Little Mermaid on Broadway...but so what! The little things make me happy and the little things freak me out (like having to talk to people) I've dated guys in the past who don't appreciate my love for sharpies or my detest for pennies. That's one of the reason I love Shawn. He sees past this crazy crap that is me. He answers me when I talk to him at night and he doesn't get mad when I get us lost ALL the time.
So maybe I am weird, random, unique, immature, crazy, to young to get married, naive, silly, girlish, childish and all those other things that could be said about me, but I love me enough so you (whoever "you" may be) don't have to.
One of my Issues
This weekend Shawn had to go to NY to pick up some equipment. He originally was going to go by himself but at the last minute one of his managers invited the 3 of us to stay with them for the weekend and hang out. At first I was pretty excited to get away for a weekend. We got to the city on Friday and had to go over to the now closed Sony Studios to pick up equipment and help his manager move stuff and pack it up to take to his house and store for the new studio. After all of the packing we had a 2-hour trip to Pomona, NY. According to everyone the trip only takes 20 minutes or so, but his manager was driving a big box truck with the equipment and had to take a residential route. Like I said I was pretty excited for the weekend, but on our hour long trek Upstate I got really nervous. You see over the last 3 years or so I have developed this huge fear of meeting new people. I have no idea how it happened, but it was like one day I woke up and was ridiculously shy.
When I was younger I was around 9 or 10 I used to hate having to talk to adults. My mom would ask me to call Mrs. So and So about the church play or whatever and I would have to go to my room and practice what I would say. Sometimes I even cried (in the privacy of my own room of course) or bribed my little sister Abby to do it. Then I turned 11 and my dad started letting me work with him. Over the next year or so I got more responsibility at his company and even had my own clients. Because of being 12 and looking like I was in my 20's (thanks boobs) I knew I couldn't meet with clients or call them on the phone and act like a 12 year old. So some how I got over my fear and was able to talk to adults, banks, mortgage companies, lawyers, or whomever I needed to, to get my job done. From the age of 12 until I was about 17 I was extremely outgoing. I loved talking to people, I loved meeting new people. One of my old friends and I would go to the mall or whatever and chat up random people, invite to church or whatever. I was a major people person.
So fast-forward to the present. Now when I know I am going to be in situations where I have to meet new people and conversate I get so nervous I almost want to cry! Saturday night we had a little BBQ at his manager’s house. Shawn's partner and his girlfriend, and one of his other managers and his wife were all supposed to be there. That made me feel a little more comfortable because there would be so many people I wouldn't have to worry about talking much. But they didn't show! It ended up just being the 3 of us (me, Shawn, and little Shawn) and his manager and his wife, and the couple from next door and their little boy. When I found out I made Shawn promise he wouldn't leave me by myself. He stayed with me for a good little bit and then disappeared. Towards the end of the evening I started feeling a little more comfortable.
Later that night Shawn and I started talking about me new "shyness". The conclusion we came up with is age. He said when he was younger he used to be how I am now, but as he got older he got more comfortable and now is a total people person. I sometimes joke that I'm anti-socially and simply don't like people. But that’s not entirely true. Some people do annoy the hell out of me, but for most of the time I tolerate people just fine. I really do long for the days where the prospect of meeting new people didn't make me want to run and hide. I really hope that as I get older this "phase" phases its self out and I can find a healthy balance.
I may not have overcome my fear of people this weekend, but here is what I did gain....
1. We got a new MAC. This is the biggest thing because my laptop was on its last leg!
2. Shawn got new equipment. Good for him, sad for me, because now I loose my nightly TV partner...But like Shawn always says, "Momma needs shoes"
And the best thing that came out of a weekend in NY was....
3. I confirmed that The Little Mermaid really is coming to Broadway!!!!!!! I am the biggest, biggest Mermaid fan ever!!! We were driving through Harlem trying to get to Pomona, NY and I turned to my right and I see this huge sticker advertising it on the side of the bus! I couldn't have been happier!
When I was younger I was around 9 or 10 I used to hate having to talk to adults. My mom would ask me to call Mrs. So and So about the church play or whatever and I would have to go to my room and practice what I would say. Sometimes I even cried (in the privacy of my own room of course) or bribed my little sister Abby to do it. Then I turned 11 and my dad started letting me work with him. Over the next year or so I got more responsibility at his company and even had my own clients. Because of being 12 and looking like I was in my 20's (thanks boobs) I knew I couldn't meet with clients or call them on the phone and act like a 12 year old. So some how I got over my fear and was able to talk to adults, banks, mortgage companies, lawyers, or whomever I needed to, to get my job done. From the age of 12 until I was about 17 I was extremely outgoing. I loved talking to people, I loved meeting new people. One of my old friends and I would go to the mall or whatever and chat up random people, invite to church or whatever. I was a major people person.
So fast-forward to the present. Now when I know I am going to be in situations where I have to meet new people and conversate I get so nervous I almost want to cry! Saturday night we had a little BBQ at his manager’s house. Shawn's partner and his girlfriend, and one of his other managers and his wife were all supposed to be there. That made me feel a little more comfortable because there would be so many people I wouldn't have to worry about talking much. But they didn't show! It ended up just being the 3 of us (me, Shawn, and little Shawn) and his manager and his wife, and the couple from next door and their little boy. When I found out I made Shawn promise he wouldn't leave me by myself. He stayed with me for a good little bit and then disappeared. Towards the end of the evening I started feeling a little more comfortable.
Later that night Shawn and I started talking about me new "shyness". The conclusion we came up with is age. He said when he was younger he used to be how I am now, but as he got older he got more comfortable and now is a total people person. I sometimes joke that I'm anti-socially and simply don't like people. But that’s not entirely true. Some people do annoy the hell out of me, but for most of the time I tolerate people just fine. I really do long for the days where the prospect of meeting new people didn't make me want to run and hide. I really hope that as I get older this "phase" phases its self out and I can find a healthy balance.
I may not have overcome my fear of people this weekend, but here is what I did gain....
1. We got a new MAC. This is the biggest thing because my laptop was on its last leg!
2. Shawn got new equipment. Good for him, sad for me, because now I loose my nightly TV partner...But like Shawn always says, "Momma needs shoes"
And the best thing that came out of a weekend in NY was....
3. I confirmed that The Little Mermaid really is coming to Broadway!!!!!!! I am the biggest, biggest Mermaid fan ever!!! We were driving through Harlem trying to get to Pomona, NY and I turned to my right and I see this huge sticker advertising it on the side of the bus! I couldn't have been happier!
Saturday, August 04, 2007
Poor little Lamb
I'm not a big animal person. Don't get me wrong some animals are cute, and I am hoping for a puppy soon, but I'm not like all into animals in stuff, but this story made me want to cry....
Friday, July 27, 2007
A change of states
An opportunity has presented it's self for Shawn and I to move to New York. And we think we're going to take it. A few weeks ago Sony Studios closed and Shawn's managers have been working with some people to open a new studio in Manhattan. His managers want Shawn and his partner to be apart of the whole thing and have offered them positions at the new studio. So about a week ago we talked about it and decided that we would move back to NY in November of 08. But something clicked early this week where we were like "Why not go now?" Our lease is up on our apartment in November, we had already started looking at our other options here and we found one we LOVE a 3 bedroom apartment style home (that's what the website calls them, I guess because they have garages and look like houses) Anyhow, we were planning on moving there in November and then when our lease was up there we were going to move to New York. But for some reason now it just seems like it would work if we go now. Shawn has contacted his managers (3 in all) and some studios and they are in talks now to iron details out. One of his managers wife is an executive at Google, so her and her husband (Shawn's manager) are going to help me find a job up there. We already started looking at apartments there, and I was shocked to see not how expensive they are but how SMALL! But that's the price to live there I guess. As of now nothing is completely set in stone and as long as things continue to go the way they are I'll get to be a New Yorker!
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Monday, July 23, 2007
I may be young....But my body is 65
At some point in my 19 years my body started falling apart. First it was my knee. When I was in like 2nd grade this kid knocked my down on the gym floor and ever since then I would have pain on and off in my right knee. Well with in the last 2 months the pain is constant! I can't even get up without steadying myself on something and grimacing in pain! It's awful! I even called my GRANDMOTHER to ask her for her knee Doctors name. Then starting Saturday afternoon I went to lay down on my left side and when I got up my neck stayed hanging to the left. The only good thing is the pain in my knee literally stopped all weekend. I swear! Well I woke up this morning and my neck felt better but guess what!? The pain in my knee is back! Right now I'm sitting on the floor with my legs curled up and I the pain in my knee is so excruciating! I wan't to stretch it out but I'm scared for what's going to happen!
I don't now if I mentioned but I'm not working anymore. Like 2 weeks ago I went into work and 5 minutes after I got there my boss pulled me in and said that money is so tight he can't even finish paying me for today. UGH! I was so pissed! I couldn't believe it! I'm not looking for anything right now. I'm going to wait until little Shawn is back in school. So me and him are just hanging out for the summer and wathcing Soap Opera's.
Ok....Im done now. Im going to go try and and un-curl my knee...Wish me luck!
I don't now if I mentioned but I'm not working anymore. Like 2 weeks ago I went into work and 5 minutes after I got there my boss pulled me in and said that money is so tight he can't even finish paying me for today. UGH! I was so pissed! I couldn't believe it! I'm not looking for anything right now. I'm going to wait until little Shawn is back in school. So me and him are just hanging out for the summer and wathcing Soap Opera's.
Ok....Im done now. Im going to go try and and un-curl my knee...Wish me luck!
Thursday, July 05, 2007
1 Corinthians 13
1 If I could speak all the languages of earth and of angels, but didn’t love others, I would only be a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. 2 If I had the gift of prophecy, and if I understood all of God’s secret plans and possessed all knowledge, and if I had such faith that I could move mountains, but didn’t love others, I would be nothing. 3 If I gave everything I have to the poor and even sacrificed my body, I could boast about it;[a] but if I didn’t love others, I would have gained nothing.
4 Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud 5 or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. 6 It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. 7 Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.
8 Prophecy and speaking in unknown languages[b] and special knowledge will become useless. But love will last forever! 9 Now our knowledge is partial and incomplete, and even the gift of prophecy reveals only part of the whole picture! 10 But when full understanding comes, these partial things will become useless.
11 When I was a child, I spoke and thought and reasoned as a child. But when I grew up, I put away childish things. 12 Now we see things imperfectly as in a cloudy mirror, but then we will see everything with perfect clarity.[c] All that I know now is partial and incomplete, but then I will know everything completely, just as God now knows me completely.
13 Three things will last forever—faith, hope, and love—and the greatest of these is love.
4 Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud 5 or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. 6 It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. 7 Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.
8 Prophecy and speaking in unknown languages[b] and special knowledge will become useless. But love will last forever! 9 Now our knowledge is partial and incomplete, and even the gift of prophecy reveals only part of the whole picture! 10 But when full understanding comes, these partial things will become useless.
11 When I was a child, I spoke and thought and reasoned as a child. But when I grew up, I put away childish things. 12 Now we see things imperfectly as in a cloudy mirror, but then we will see everything with perfect clarity.[c] All that I know now is partial and incomplete, but then I will know everything completely, just as God now knows me completely.
13 Three things will last forever—faith, hope, and love—and the greatest of these is love.
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Engagement Pictures Are Here
Finally I took time to post my engagement pictures to MySpace. I'm really happy with the way they turned out. Shawn and I were extra nervous because I don't consider myself very photogenic and Shawn doesn't like his smile. We had so much fun that day though because our wonderful photographer Ashley and I kept having to tell Shawn jokes or I had to tickle him to get him to smile, but at the end of the day we ended up with a lot of great shots!
Click the link to my profile on Myspace to see the meantime I'll post a few of my favorites.
Click the link to my profile on Myspace to see the meantime I'll post a few of my favorites.
Drive Responsibly
When I was younger I had friends that I thought were best friends, or even close friends that betrayed me at every turn. After I came out of those situations I promised myself that I would never allow myself to be placed in there again. Because of that I have built up a wall and don't allow a lot of people to get close to me for a very long time. After that situation all I had was my family to trust. But what do you do when the ones closest to you break that trust that you have given them? How do you come back from that? How do you not end up feeling hurt and betrayed? When someone that close breaks that trust, to preserve the relationship are you supposed to just forget? I won't say forgive, because I believe in forgiveness, and everyone should be able to forgive and get forgiveness, but how do you get back to where you were?
Who decides what's best for you? When your younger obviously your parents do. But when do you start knowing for yourself? And more importantly when are you able to decided you know best?
When you see a bridge that is clearly burning you quickly try to put the fire out, once it's apparent that the fire is going to continue to burn do you just walk away, or do you continue to dowse it with water in hopes that you'll be able to preserve even a small portion?
And just because someone says they love you and that their motives are out of love, does that mean they know best?
As a young child your constantly taught to take responsibilities of your actions. Does it sometimes feel that others won't let you as an adult take responsibility for your happiness? It's so easy for people to let go and let you take the fall for the bad, but what about taking the fall for the good?
I'm learning more and more that I have to be responsible not only for the bad things that I do, but you know what? I have to be responsible for the good as well. After all I'm the sole person that has to live with every bad decision that I make today. But I am also the sole receiver of a blessing or a reward for a good decision. Sometimes you can't always poll the audience, you just have to answer the question yourself.
To some this may be another crazy posting from that weird girl in Maryland, to the other's who read this you may know what I'm talking about., even agree to a point.
To me (and my shoes) It's the truth
Who decides what's best for you? When your younger obviously your parents do. But when do you start knowing for yourself? And more importantly when are you able to decided you know best?
When you see a bridge that is clearly burning you quickly try to put the fire out, once it's apparent that the fire is going to continue to burn do you just walk away, or do you continue to dowse it with water in hopes that you'll be able to preserve even a small portion?
And just because someone says they love you and that their motives are out of love, does that mean they know best?
As a young child your constantly taught to take responsibilities of your actions. Does it sometimes feel that others won't let you as an adult take responsibility for your happiness? It's so easy for people to let go and let you take the fall for the bad, but what about taking the fall for the good?
I'm learning more and more that I have to be responsible not only for the bad things that I do, but you know what? I have to be responsible for the good as well. After all I'm the sole person that has to live with every bad decision that I make today. But I am also the sole receiver of a blessing or a reward for a good decision. Sometimes you can't always poll the audience, you just have to answer the question yourself.
To some this may be another crazy posting from that weird girl in Maryland, to the other's who read this you may know what I'm talking about., even agree to a point.
To me (and my shoes) It's the truth
Monday, July 02, 2007
It's raining
I haven't written much about my job because there isn't much to say. However, I now have A LOT to say. I've been having suspicion since my 3rd week here that I jumped onto a sinking ship. A ship. My second time getting paid I had to hold my check until Monday. That was my first clue. Then the more I got my feet wet I realized that the company had only built two houses and one was the owners. So we have 3 empty townhouses, and 14 more we need to start building and no money to do so. Shawn and I had started talking about 2 weeks ago about me putting feelers out there for a job, just in case. Well Friday morning my boss tells me he wants me to go to like 15 hours a week. It could possibly be a temp thing but he's not sure. I thought it over, over the weekend and decided that I couldn't really do 15 hours a week, so I told him today and now I have the wonderful task of having to look for a new job! It's so ironic because part of the reason I left my previous job is because I sensed they were going under as well and when I told the girl I was replacing here why I was leaving she was like "Oh you don't have to worry about that, we are definitely growing!" I've never heard of reverse growth. The only upside is that until I find something new I get to be part time, and the new job I get I will take 2 weeks off before starting so Shawn and I can go on vacation. And to add insult to injury, I had to hold my check again
Saturday, June 30, 2007
A round crescent?
I saw an advertisement this week for new Pillsbury dough crescent rolls. Now they are in a new shape....ROUND. Uh forgive me, but I know sometimes I'm slow but aren't crescent rolls supposed to be in the shape of, a, CRESCENT!? I think they need a new marketing guy.
Maybe I'm wrong. I could be wrong, I usually am....but I'm feeling pretty confidente about this one.
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Bookworm's new home
I'm a total bookworm. Always have been, always will be. I found this really cool site that lets you keep track of all the books you've read and want to read. It also allows you to write and review other book reviews from users. The coolest thing is its like Myspace for nerds! You can also add friends to see their reading list too. If your interested look me up and add me!!!
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
I was a baaaad kid
Early Saturday morning I was laying in my bed replaying various memories from when I was younger, and I thought of one of the times that I got in MAJOR trouble. I was never a really bad kid or teenager, although some would argue I still am I teenager, but that's not relevant now, so like I was saying, I never snuck out of my house, threw wild parties, done drugs, I've only been run in to the wall, can't pull your pants up drunk, twice in my life (which I think is pretty good), so I've never really given my parent's headaches over my behavior. But having said all that, I was a bad kid. I used to get in trouble over the dumbest stuff in the world! One time in particular I was about 12 and it was in the early stages of my dads company where he used to go out and visit clients. Well one night he had an appointment and so we all went with him (I think there was 6 or 7 of us at the time) and waited in the car while he went in and did his thing. We had been sitting in the car for nearly 2 hours and we hadn't had dinner so we were all a little crazy. My mom was upfront nursing one of the babies, the boys were fighting and me and my sister Abby were going at it. I don't exactly remember what she and I were arguing over but I ended up spraying her in the face with a water bottle. A little background on my sister Abby. I love her dearly, but she is a bit of a drama queen, whenever we would fight she would scream and cry so loud my parents thought I was trying to kill her. So back to that night....I spray her in the face with WATER and she starts screaming and crying, and mom tells me to apologize and I refuse, to make a long story short I was told to apologize or not be able to go a concert the next day...Guess what? I refused to say I was sorry and missed the concert. So you see, I wasn't necessarily a horrid kid, I was just, defiant and stubborn, but on little things. But my favorite story of all time is the time I got caught shaving my legs....
I was about 13 and my best friend at the time had invited me and Abby over to spend the night, we stopped at my house with her older sister to pick up our clothes and stuff and decided to ask my mom if I could shave my legs, my mom said yes, and that night I shaved my legs for the first time. Well after that I was hooked on my silky smooth legs and took every opportunity to shave them. I had been shaving my legs for about 3 months when I finally got "caught". In October the women in our church went on this women's retreat thing. Because I wasn't old enough to participate Abby and I went and babysat my best friends little sister. After one of the meetings that night we decided to go swimming, well I was like "Great! another opportunity to shave my legs!" so me and my best friend hopped in the tub and started shaving our legs, I was almost finish when my mom came in the bathroom and was like "What in the world are you doing!?" so in front of all my friends (who were about 3- 4 years older then me) I get busted for shaving. I was so embarrassed and ended up having to go home. I have never to this day figured out why I got in so much trouble, because I thought when my mom said yes once, she meant forever....I was wrong. Now 7 years later I am no longer friends with any of those people, I mean how could I be? I was humiliated that night, it was hard having to see them all the time and know that they thought of me as the crazy razor girl.....sigh....Nope I'm just kidding, I'm not friends with them, but for reason much bigger then a razor and some shaving gel. And I am now addicted to shaving my legs. I buy every new razor that comes out, I spend at least $50 every 2 weeks on shaving paraphernalia, and get freaked out by even the tiniest stubble on my leg. Sometimes I wish I never started in the first place.....Such a bad habit to break.....
I was about 13 and my best friend at the time had invited me and Abby over to spend the night, we stopped at my house with her older sister to pick up our clothes and stuff and decided to ask my mom if I could shave my legs, my mom said yes, and that night I shaved my legs for the first time. Well after that I was hooked on my silky smooth legs and took every opportunity to shave them. I had been shaving my legs for about 3 months when I finally got "caught". In October the women in our church went on this women's retreat thing. Because I wasn't old enough to participate Abby and I went and babysat my best friends little sister. After one of the meetings that night we decided to go swimming, well I was like "Great! another opportunity to shave my legs!" so me and my best friend hopped in the tub and started shaving our legs, I was almost finish when my mom came in the bathroom and was like "What in the world are you doing!?" so in front of all my friends (who were about 3- 4 years older then me) I get busted for shaving. I was so embarrassed and ended up having to go home. I have never to this day figured out why I got in so much trouble, because I thought when my mom said yes once, she meant forever....I was wrong. Now 7 years later I am no longer friends with any of those people, I mean how could I be? I was humiliated that night, it was hard having to see them all the time and know that they thought of me as the crazy razor girl.....sigh....Nope I'm just kidding, I'm not friends with them, but for reason much bigger then a razor and some shaving gel. And I am now addicted to shaving my legs. I buy every new razor that comes out, I spend at least $50 every 2 weeks on shaving paraphernalia, and get freaked out by even the tiniest stubble on my leg. Sometimes I wish I never started in the first place.....Such a bad habit to break.....
Friday, June 15, 2007
Venue Searching...Again
Since Shawn and I decided to move the wedding back we also decided to change venues as well. Ive been watching the Style Networks marathon runs of Whose Wedding Is It Anyway? And I have totally fallen in love with the New York style loft spaces that they NY brides use. So Ive been looking around here to find something similar. So far I can’t find any type of big empty loft space, but I have found a couple places that have a very chic city vibe to it. The first place is my absolute favorite. It’s a restaurant/lounge called Ixia. It’s gorgeous! It has a blue, gold and white theme through out the restaurant. The only drawback is we may have guest upstairs in the mezzanine and downstairs which I don’t want to do. But we could have a heavy cocktail reception so we won’t need tables and people can just mingle. Shawn and I are going on Saturday for dinner to actually see the place and taste the food, which looks, and sounds AMAZING. So fingers crossed that it’s a doable option for a wedding reception.
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If you want to check out pictures go to . Click all the different options and let the picture slide show run.
Friday, June 08, 2007
I think I mentioned in one of my older post that we were getting engagement pictures taken. We did and they turned out really well. We had my friend Ashley take them because I haven't booked a photographer yet, and we needed them ASAP for invitations, and plus Ashley is really really really really good. We went up to Annapolis, MD (where I used to live). I stupidly didn't check to see if there was anything going on down there, and there was. Some type of boat/naval academy thing. I'm not sure what exactly it was though, but we got some great pictures.......I guess your wondering if these pictures are so great why I haven't posted them yet. That's an easy answer. I have developed a new bad habit...laziness. There's a disk sitting on my desk waiting to be loaded to the computer. I can't promise them this weekend. But maybe next week I'll post them.
I'm Baaaaack
It's been ages since I've been able to update my blog, and now I finally have a free moment. A lot of stuff has happened since the last time I wrote (April, wow no idea it was that long ago). New interesting developments with the wedding and work.
So first I'll tell you about work. I've been here now for a month and some change. I like it. I spend most of the morning at the office and then the remainder of the day I'm downtown at the townhouse. Being at the townhouse can be a little boring because I only show it about 2-3 times a week, and I don't have a computer so I can't do any work. After I make phone calls for bids and stuff I'm kinda left twiddling my thumps and flipping through a magazine. Something really scary happened at work yesterday. The part of Baltimore the house is in, is (in my opinion) not one of the safest neighborhoods. So far I have shown the house to a few crack heads and have found condoms and needles in the driveway. Yesterday on my way downtown my boss called from the office saying his cell phone was stolen literally out of his hands while he was talking on it. So I was a little bit weirded out. I get to the house do my daily tidying up and so forth and around 2:30 I heard a man screaming my name through the alley. So I jump up and I'm like "Why is Shawn here?!" and I peek out the front patio door and it's this very large man who, to put it nicely did not look like he was in the market to purchase a house. So I grabbed my cell phone called Shawn, ran downstairs and locked the front door. Shawn flips and leaves work to come over. All the while I'm sitting there freaking out. Shawn finally shows up and we go driving around the block to see if I could find him, we never did. So I left work early and left a note for my boss telling him what had happened. I mean, wouldn't you be scared if some man you had never seen before walked through an alley screaming your name?! But today I will put on a brave face, keep the front door locked, and crow bar near my feet (just in case)
Since the last time I wrote Shawn and I have decided to push our wedding back until March 29th. I started thinking about it a few weeks ago. With my new job, and music, and getting Shawn set up here I have fallen behind on a lot of wedding task. And because of the lightening speed at which our relationship has traveled we are now really just getting to know each other. So I said to myself "Why on earth are we rushing to the alter by October?" no logical reason at all is what we came up with. We both feel much better about waiting until March . Come March our numbers are a little better to. We will have been dating for 16 months, engaged for 13 months, and living in the same state for a year. Sounds better then our previous numbers, right?
We also decided to try and buy a house by November as well. When I started at my new job I fell in love with the townhouses and we were going to buy one of those, but I'm not really excited about living down in the area. Lot's of rodents, murders, adult movie theaters, and other not so nice things. Don't get me wrong though the houses are great, but the area, not soooo much.
Well that's all for now...See ya in July sometime!
So first I'll tell you about work. I've been here now for a month and some change. I like it. I spend most of the morning at the office and then the remainder of the day I'm downtown at the townhouse. Being at the townhouse can be a little boring because I only show it about 2-3 times a week, and I don't have a computer so I can't do any work. After I make phone calls for bids and stuff I'm kinda left twiddling my thumps and flipping through a magazine. Something really scary happened at work yesterday. The part of Baltimore the house is in, is (in my opinion) not one of the safest neighborhoods. So far I have shown the house to a few crack heads and have found condoms and needles in the driveway. Yesterday on my way downtown my boss called from the office saying his cell phone was stolen literally out of his hands while he was talking on it. So I was a little bit weirded out. I get to the house do my daily tidying up and so forth and around 2:30 I heard a man screaming my name through the alley. So I jump up and I'm like "Why is Shawn here?!" and I peek out the front patio door and it's this very large man who, to put it nicely did not look like he was in the market to purchase a house. So I grabbed my cell phone called Shawn, ran downstairs and locked the front door. Shawn flips and leaves work to come over. All the while I'm sitting there freaking out. Shawn finally shows up and we go driving around the block to see if I could find him, we never did. So I left work early and left a note for my boss telling him what had happened. I mean, wouldn't you be scared if some man you had never seen before walked through an alley screaming your name?! But today I will put on a brave face, keep the front door locked, and crow bar near my feet (just in case)
Since the last time I wrote Shawn and I have decided to push our wedding back until March 29th. I started thinking about it a few weeks ago. With my new job, and music, and getting Shawn set up here I have fallen behind on a lot of wedding task. And because of the lightening speed at which our relationship has traveled we are now really just getting to know each other. So I said to myself "Why on earth are we rushing to the alter by October?" no logical reason at all is what we came up with. We both feel much better about waiting until March . Come March our numbers are a little better to. We will have been dating for 16 months, engaged for 13 months, and living in the same state for a year. Sounds better then our previous numbers, right?
We also decided to try and buy a house by November as well. When I started at my new job I fell in love with the townhouses and we were going to buy one of those, but I'm not really excited about living down in the area. Lot's of rodents, murders, adult movie theaters, and other not so nice things. Don't get me wrong though the houses are great, but the area, not soooo much.
Well that's all for now...See ya in July sometime!
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