I feel like it's been ages since I've posted last. We got back from our road trip to Minnesota memorial day and we had a really great time. I'm not what you'd call a well versed traveler so I drove through (and got pulled over, thank you Ohio police officer for not giving me a ticket) a lot of states I never thought I'd visit. But I have to say to all you Minnesota residents you all are pretty lucky. I really, really, really loved Minnesota. So much so that a lot of Shawn's cousins were trying to (seriously) convince us to move there. And all though I would love to I'm not sure how I would handle the winter. We went to the Mall of America amusement park and I was so jealous watching all the kids riding the coasters. I wanted to get on soooo badly. But the park was great and all the kids had fun, especially Shawn. The whole weekend Shawn was just like on air with all the kids to play with and things to do. He really loved it and wanted to know if we could go back Thursday. LOL.
The trip up and back was not as bad as I expected it to be. Little Shawn handled it the best, I on the other hand got leg cramps, headaches, heart burn, nauseous all on the 2nd day up and back. Awful, not fun, but worth it. Gas prices are of course CRAZY. $4.37 in some parts of Indiana.
Little Baby P is doing great! We just had our 30 week appointment. I'm flying high because I've only gained 17 lbs and in 2 weeks I've lost a pound. Shawn wants to keep feeding me, but my Doctor says as long as Baby is growing everything is good. Baby P is kicking like a mad man! So much so it's starting to hurt. I'm not sleeping much at night which sucks, and my house doesn't always stay as perfect as I want it to. I feel really bad, but some days I'm just so exhausted or nauseous that I can't do much. I forgot what my feet look like, I can't get up off the couch or roll over in the bed without Shawn heaving me over! But I'll stop complaining, we're getting closer and we are very, very, excited! One thing I do like about being pregnant is swimsuit shopping. I have always loathed swimsuit shopping because I never could wear the cute triangle bikinis like the other girls because of the two "girls" sitting on my chest, and even when they shrunk (all though they are certainly starting to come back) there was the other body issues. But now being pregnant I have moments where I really love my body (especially when the Doctor says I've lost a pound or haven't gained anything) so I really embraced the whole bathing suit shopping thing and was able to find a cute (not-totally) maternity looking swimsuit.
Anyway, it's 11 PM here, Obama has the nom (like duh), Hilary is finally gone, yeah! (I know, I know, take my girl card away) and I'm tired and need an orange.
I have tons of pictures from the trip, I'll try to post them later this week.