Hello world! Spring is almost here! I'm so excited. I have the windows and doors open and totally wearing flip-flops! Not a lot of new news with the little Bubble. The Baby Bible (aka What to Expect When Your Expecting) says that I'll start forgetting things, which drives me crazy because I have a memory like an elephant (no jokes please)but yesterday I got all dressed and was out the door ready for my
2nd doctors appointment and tada! It wasn't even yesterday! It was today. I didn't even end up going today because Shawn is getting ready to go to Chicago this weekend to work with an artist so has stuff to get ready for that so I rescheduled it, but I was so annoyed that I was a whole day off!
The last few weeks have been just a constant blur of research on all kinds of subjects, The Bradley Method, Doulas, Birthing Tubs, Balls, and Breastfeeding. Some of you who read my blog know me in the real world and would know that when I was 16 I had breast reduction surgery. One of my moms biggest concerns then was that I would still be able to breastfeed, my surgeon assured us I would because of the way she performed the surgery (I will spare you the details), but in the last few weeks I've been getting really nervous that I won't be able to. I really, really, really, do not want to have to formula feed, so I've been researching different herbs and stuff to take to make sure I produce enough milk. I'm praying that all will be ok.
It's also weird how worried and paranoid I am all the time. It only really happens at night but I get really worried that something is wrong with the baby. I have felt him move (slightly) a few times and then since my sonogram I haven't, so I'm all freaked. And then Sunday morning I woke up and realized I had been sleeping on my stomach so I woke Shawn up almost in tears and tried frantically to get a hold of my mom. She assured me that I did not in fact crush him and he's ok, but I can't help but be worried about every little thing. It's so amazing the changes that happen to your body, amazing but scary too because you're not sure if they're normal or not.
We're getting ready to move too. I'm so excited! You may have noticed from that picture I posted that we have a very sparsely decorated apartment. The reason being is because I never really liked the apartment and wanted to wait to decorate until I picked a place out. But we got a house. 3 bedrooms,fully finished basement which will be Shawn's studio/office, 3.5 bathrooms, deck, and a little place for me to plant flowers. I'm not much of a gardener but I'm looking forward to planting some pansies and whatever else I can plant. We move the end of this month so If I'm MIA that's why