Thursday, December 27, 2007

My Resolution

Christmas is over, time to put away the tree, and get ready to start a new year. It's now the time for the all important "New Years Resolutions". Every year mine goes something like this "Work out more." And every year...I fail. I have a really nice run of it for about half the year and then it completely falls to the waste side. So this year I decided to come up with a resolution that's a little more attainable and actually quite interesting....

It all started with that Victoria Beckham Coming to America Special. I was completely captivated by her and her personality. I thought she was major! I especially liked when she said that you will (almost) never catch her in a pair of flats, she said that a ..."sexy confident woman always wears heels" Well maybe it's not 100% true because I'm sure there are some women who think they're confident and sexy and never wear heels. However, I decided that I liked that truth. So for about a week I tried to do it, but my downfall was going shopping and walking around in light blue platforms for 5 hours. Well this year at Christmas Dinner my mom, my sister, and I (is that grammatically correct? oh well) started talking about the Beckhams and the heel thing. So the 3 of us decided to make that our new years resolution. I know what some of you may be thinking "How stupid and shallow can you be?", well I would say "How creative can we be" everyone this year will have the following 1. Exercise, 2. Lose Weight, 3. Stop smoking, 4. Learn something new, 5. Eat better, 6. Volunteer more, 7. Help the people in Darfur/New Orleans. I mean how mundane and carbon copy can you be? My new years resolution is also pretty practical. I'm 5 feet tall so it's imperative that I give myself a lift somehow! I probably only own 3 pairs of flats and 3 pairs of tennis shoes anyway and all the other shoes are various heights of heels. When I do wear heels I feel like I can conquer the world. I feel level with everyone else instead of some 5 ft 20 year old midget.

So today I started. As tired as I was and majorly bummed about having to go to work I slipped on my favorite pair...My silver pumps.

Wish US luck!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Shawn Reading

Here's a video of Shawn reading The Brown Bears. Ignore me saying "Ah!" when he skips brown and goes directly to bear. Gotta keep him on track!

Check out this video: Shawn reading

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I tried uploading this a million times on Blogger but every time I did I got an empty box with that damn red X. I saw it both in the preview and when it was posted, so I had to get it from MySpace. Any ideas why that was happening? Thanks

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Napping at work

It's lunch break time here at the new job and started thinking about lunch breaks I've had in the past. Sometimes I used them to go shopping, read a magazine, watch a TV show on, finish work, or one time nap...and that leads me to my story....

It was the summer after I got back from Bible School. I had my first "real" job at a law firm. I had worked before but it was for my dad so that work environment was very easy going and laid back. This was the first time I had worked outside of his company. I was the receptionist and it was my lunch break. I drove and got some lunch came back to the office and went in to the lunch room. The way this office was set up was pretty unique because we had two offices in the same building. One for the conference room, lunch room and paralegals offices, and the other for the attorney's and myself. So I went into the 2nd office went in the lunch room and ate my lunch. I think I had like an hour break or something. And I remember half way through I said I was going to close my eyes for a second and put my head down. Well a second turned into 45 minutes past my lunch hour! I jumped up wiped the drool off my face and ran into the other office. The paralegal who was covering for me was very nice about it and said she had done it before as well, but to be careful. From that day forward I never napped at work again!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Merry Christmas From Us!

Christmas Tree Shopping and Trimming


Thursday, December 13, 2007

Litter Police

I remembered a funny story today. The summer before last my brother worked at this pharmacy/old fashioned lunch counter thing like 15 minutes from my job. So on Fridays I'd get off early and go pick him up and he'd get me lunch. Anyway we lived about 40 minutes away so were driving home one afternoon and we had all this trash from lunch so Troy rolled down the window and tossed it out. When we pull into the driveway this lady pulls up next to us and tells me that she watched us throw trash out onto the interstate and wants us to go pick it up! We lived like 15 minutes from the interstate so this lady followed us the whole time. So Troy says "Lady are you serious!? Go away" and she drove off.

Now I know a lot of people are going to think I am the worlds worst person for littering. I know its bad and I shouldn't do it yada yada yada. I'm not proud of it, I am sorry, and feel bad about it. But I hate seeing trash in the car and when it gets to be too much I toss it. I'm getting slightly better. Not that this excuses it-But,my whole take on that "ruining" the planet thing and global warming is when God is ready for the earth to implode under us it will happen and no amount of Save The Earth days will help it.

Saturday, December 08, 2007

A promotion in less then a week

Last month I decided that being home day in and day out was not it was all cracked up to be. For the first few months it was pretty fun. After 7th grade I never had a real summer break because I decided to graduate early so I was always doing school work plus I was working for my dad 40 hours a week and then right after graduation I went to Bible school came home and I've worked full time since. So this summer when I had the opportunity to not go to work I decided to use it. But then once Shawn started school I got really bored. So anyway moral of the story is I started looking for a job last month and on my my first (and only) interview I was hired at this huge Electrical Company. I started Monday and it was quite different then what I was used to. I've never worked for company that had more then like 12 people at one time. This company is huge and has like 30 people who work in the office plus another office in VA plus all their field guys. I got a job as an Administrative Assistant and by Wednesday I wasn't loving it because I was doing a bunch of busy body work. Stuff that I was doing for my dad when I was 11 and 12. I felt like I was really going backwards considering my last two jobs were office management positions and running basically the entire company while my boss was cruising and gambling in the Bahamas. Anyway so Wednesday I was really bummed out because the position I was told about in my interview didn't seem like the position I was doing....BUT Thursday I get a called into my bosses office and she says one of the project managers (who I'd met one time) requested me to come and be the office manager for his new 2 yr job! She said he came in and said "I want her!" my boss said she was pretty disappointed because she wanted to keep me but he wanted me. The position is MUCH better then what I'm doing now. It's right on the same line as my other position except instead of managing 12 or 15 field guys I will be managing over a 100! The one down side is for the first month or so there will be no inside plumbing in the office we have on the job site-which is a trailer. He plans to get plumbing before I get down there but can't guarantee it. But I will have my own porta-potty! Oh goody!!!! I think I'm just going to go in the morning before I leave home and not go until I come home! And my hours are really good too 7:30 until 2 or 3. I can hold it that long...(i think)

Awesome 1st Dance

Whenever I get married I totally want to do this. Mine will be 10 times funnier because I can't dance a lick!!!!!!!

Thursday, December 06, 2007

It's here!!

Woman Beaten

Dec 6, 2007 3:00 AM (16 hrs ago) by Luke Broadwater, The Examiner
BALTIMORE (Map, News) - As Sarah Kreager, 26, tried to sit down on a Baltimore City bus Tuesday, police say, a middle-schooler told her she couldn’t. When she attempted to take another seat, a middle-schooler wouldn’t let her. Finally, according to police, Kreager just sat down.

She was “immediately attacked” by nine students — three females and six males — from Robert Poole Middle School. They punched and kicked her at 2:59 p.m. at the intersection of 33rd Street and Chestnut Avenue, according to Maryland Transit Administration police.

Kreager was dragged off the bus and her boyfriend, Troy Ennis, attempted to get her back on, police said.

She sustained “serious injuries” and had to be transported to the University of Maryland Shock Trauma Center, according to a police report. Related Articles:
Woman assaulted by nine teens on transit bus
Kreager suffered two broken bones in her left eye socket, police said.

“She had eye muscles that were damaged,” a police report states. “She had deep lacerations on the top of her head and another above her neck.”

Two seats and the bus’ rear glass were destroyed during the attack, police said.

The bus driver on the No. 27 line quickly called police, who responded and arrested the nine juveniles, said Jawauna Greene, an MTA police spokeswoman.

All nine suspects, ages 14 and 15, were arrested and charged with aggravated assault.

Their bus tickets — provided by the school — have been revoked, Greene said.

“Riding the bus is a privilege,” she said. “Public safety is our primary concern.”

Greene said the investigation into the incident was ongoing and she didn’t know whether the attack had anything to do with the victim’s race.

The suspects in the incident are black. The victim is white, according to the police report.

Baltimore resident David Briggs, who lives near the crime scene, said the incident underscores Baltimore’s pervasive crime.

“Now, I can't even ride the bus,” he said.

Examiner Staff Writer Stephen Janis contributed to the article.

There are all types of marches and national news coverage on those Jena 6 teenagers, but I'm sure this will never make national news. And of course when the victim tries to press charges Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton will be on there way here and say she's only pressing charges because their black.