Yesterday was a crazier then normal Thursday. Phones were ringing off the hook, people weren't showing up for their interviews, payroll needed to be done. It was insane! But shortly after my boss left things settled down and then he called and gave me another raise! This is my 5th raise in the year and a half I've been here. My last raise was in May when I became the office manager. So now I will be making over 40K! It's awesome! Plus I get cell & gas allowance! Most people I know making 40K a year are working more then one job or their two income households. For the last year I've played with the idea of moving out and trying it on my on. The money issue has stopped me, not because I didn't make enough, but because if you know me, you money & me don't get along well. :-) But now with this raise I could move out and be comfortable. At this time I'm not planning on leaving though. I have it pretty well. I have no curfew, I can come and go as I please, I don't have chores (we have a full time housekeeper), my dad pays all my bills. The only thing I'm required to do is go to church LOL. When you have it as good as I do why rock the boat right?
Abby & I are headed to VA this afternoon, totally excited! Hopefully I'll have some crazy stories to tell when I get back....
Friday, September 22, 2006
Thursday, September 21, 2006
In Response:
I guess my little blog stirred up quite a response aye? We've already seen the comments left here on blogger haven't we all? Now I'd like to post some comments from the myspace blog and also a few emails I received. Personally thanking me
The first two are from my goood friend Ms. Hilary. One was a comment left on the other was an email...
So well written! Sort of reminds me of the "stalker" situation. Never were true friends - Ashley had to behave or respond just the way they "wanted". Now, they just can't let go!
The band was great Friday night but the best part for me was seeing Josh and Ashley surrounded with a sea of genuine friends - you, Abby, Caitlyn, Amanda, Rachel, Brooke, Katie, Andrew, Kevin, Dustin, Joel, Liz etc.. made me grateful for the faithfulness of God to bring the real thing and get rid of the fake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wish I had seen the dance! Perhaps it's on the video! Another reason for a party!
I read your blog to Paul (My Pastor also Ashley's dad) this morning over the phone and he was really hit in the spirit. I told him I thought that was more of a writing as to what God is exposing - especially in the Universal church - weeding out the counterfeit and leaving the genuine. It's the only way we will RULE THE WORLD!!!!!!! :O) I think your writing is more prophetic and speaking into the bigger picture........ Just a thought - ponder with the HS and see what you think... loads of love, Hilary
*Paul is my spiritual covering. He's an awesome Pastor who prays for my family and allows us to use our gifts and callings for God. He realizes that God was the creator of all the things and that our gifts were created to share with the world. Not just to sit in a church Sunday after Sunday reciting the vision.
The other two will remain anonymous because I would hate to drag people in that aren't involved...
You know it's really funny that you mention the whole, never really liked you anyway part in your blog. I mean why in the world would you even have someone in your wedding that you didn't even like. The people there are supposed to support you and be there when the times are tough and when things aren't so great. Here I am a couple hundred miles away, 10 years older than you and still I will not only talk to you, but hang with you. WTF??? Are people that fickle, that they just put people in their wedding to fill a hole, use and abuse someone's house and home only to deny a friendship years later. I mean what kind of witness is that. If I don't like someone, I ask myself why and what I can do to see them in a different light. Stuff like that really makes me wonder if they really understand what Christianity is all about. ARRGGHH all this myspace DRAMA, this is why I cancelled previously, but now I don't care and will be true to what I know and the people who are true to me. Anyway sorry for the rant, but just thought I would respond.
**Now I will admit that this one caught me a little off guard so I had to seek clarity from the author. The following is what I received back...
Haha, well I know I went off on a tangent there, but that was for you Alex, come on now. You know I have to defend you LOL.
The last and finale email I will post I received in the wee hours of the morning. I woke up around 3ish because I couldn't sleep-I'm really excited for this coming weekend-and so I checked my email and did a bit of surfing on the net. The person who sent this to me sent me two separate emails (I will only post the one) but I was moved to tears because for years I have thought this person didn't like me. But come to find out we shared the same feelings towards each other and have been denying a friendship that had the potential to be GREAT but because of other parties involved was never seen to it's fullest.
2nd Email
Hey I SWEAR I just read your blog, and ironically I just sent you another message earlier that touched on a similar topic! I think we both just had an epiphany of whom we are as people and where we stand as friends to others. I am sorry that someone could take advantage of you as a friend and be so selfish and cold to act the way that they did. I don't know who it is you wrote about, nor is it any of my business, but I just wanted to let you know that what they did is wrong, and I think it shows awesome character that you walked away with your head up high... and that you did not let someone's insecurities affect your own identity. I admire that.
In closing please don't stop reading my blog just because you are taking on other people's offenses. NOTE: A very prophetic man of God once said "You can not offend a dead man." I urge everyone to go back and read the now famous post because no where in there did I say nasty things. Neither did I gossip or slander anyone. I spoke the truth. Maybe that's what the problem is. Regardless of what these people have done to me and have said about me (and lets face it, will continue to say) I have remained as true as possible and I also have tried to reach out to them on numerous occasions. The post was not a result of a friend request denial that would have been immature, although that was the final draw, it instead was written out of frustration that has been building for many years. I will not apologize for the things I said or think. I will continue to write what I want, when I want, and about whomever I want. After all America is still the land of the free isn't it?
If any one is still adamant on saying that I did slander & gossip I suggest you visit and look the words gossip & slander up, and then once you do that subscribe to The Word A Day. It's free. And to all of those who "anonymously" read my blog. All though I am deeply flattered, next time lets be woman (or man) enough to respond on my blog. Feel free to leave any type of comment. Wisdom, encouragement, disagreement, scriptures. All is welcome and will not be deleted.
Ponder this, shall we?
Patterning your life around other's opinions is nothing more than slavery.
Lawana Blackwell, The Dowry of Miss Lydia Clark, 1999
The first two are from my goood friend Ms. Hilary. One was a comment left on the other was an email...
So well written! Sort of reminds me of the "stalker" situation. Never were true friends - Ashley had to behave or respond just the way they "wanted". Now, they just can't let go!
The band was great Friday night but the best part for me was seeing Josh and Ashley surrounded with a sea of genuine friends - you, Abby, Caitlyn, Amanda, Rachel, Brooke, Katie, Andrew, Kevin, Dustin, Joel, Liz etc.. made me grateful for the faithfulness of God to bring the real thing and get rid of the fake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wish I had seen the dance! Perhaps it's on the video! Another reason for a party!
I read your blog to Paul (My Pastor also Ashley's dad) this morning over the phone and he was really hit in the spirit. I told him I thought that was more of a writing as to what God is exposing - especially in the Universal church - weeding out the counterfeit and leaving the genuine. It's the only way we will RULE THE WORLD!!!!!!! :O) I think your writing is more prophetic and speaking into the bigger picture........ Just a thought - ponder with the HS and see what you think... loads of love, Hilary
*Paul is my spiritual covering. He's an awesome Pastor who prays for my family and allows us to use our gifts and callings for God. He realizes that God was the creator of all the things and that our gifts were created to share with the world. Not just to sit in a church Sunday after Sunday reciting the vision.
The other two will remain anonymous because I would hate to drag people in that aren't involved...
You know it's really funny that you mention the whole, never really liked you anyway part in your blog. I mean why in the world would you even have someone in your wedding that you didn't even like. The people there are supposed to support you and be there when the times are tough and when things aren't so great. Here I am a couple hundred miles away, 10 years older than you and still I will not only talk to you, but hang with you. WTF??? Are people that fickle, that they just put people in their wedding to fill a hole, use and abuse someone's house and home only to deny a friendship years later. I mean what kind of witness is that. If I don't like someone, I ask myself why and what I can do to see them in a different light. Stuff like that really makes me wonder if they really understand what Christianity is all about. ARRGGHH all this myspace DRAMA, this is why I cancelled previously, but now I don't care and will be true to what I know and the people who are true to me. Anyway sorry for the rant, but just thought I would respond.
**Now I will admit that this one caught me a little off guard so I had to seek clarity from the author. The following is what I received back...
Haha, well I know I went off on a tangent there, but that was for you Alex, come on now. You know I have to defend you LOL.
The last and finale email I will post I received in the wee hours of the morning. I woke up around 3ish because I couldn't sleep-I'm really excited for this coming weekend-and so I checked my email and did a bit of surfing on the net. The person who sent this to me sent me two separate emails (I will only post the one) but I was moved to tears because for years I have thought this person didn't like me. But come to find out we shared the same feelings towards each other and have been denying a friendship that had the potential to be GREAT but because of other parties involved was never seen to it's fullest.
2nd Email
Hey I SWEAR I just read your blog, and ironically I just sent you another message earlier that touched on a similar topic! I think we both just had an epiphany of whom we are as people and where we stand as friends to others. I am sorry that someone could take advantage of you as a friend and be so selfish and cold to act the way that they did. I don't know who it is you wrote about, nor is it any of my business, but I just wanted to let you know that what they did is wrong, and I think it shows awesome character that you walked away with your head up high... and that you did not let someone's insecurities affect your own identity. I admire that.
In closing please don't stop reading my blog just because you are taking on other people's offenses. NOTE: A very prophetic man of God once said "You can not offend a dead man." I urge everyone to go back and read the now famous post because no where in there did I say nasty things. Neither did I gossip or slander anyone. I spoke the truth. Maybe that's what the problem is. Regardless of what these people have done to me and have said about me (and lets face it, will continue to say) I have remained as true as possible and I also have tried to reach out to them on numerous occasions. The post was not a result of a friend request denial that would have been immature, although that was the final draw, it instead was written out of frustration that has been building for many years. I will not apologize for the things I said or think. I will continue to write what I want, when I want, and about whomever I want. After all America is still the land of the free isn't it?
If any one is still adamant on saying that I did slander & gossip I suggest you visit and look the words gossip & slander up, and then once you do that subscribe to The Word A Day. It's free. And to all of those who "anonymously" read my blog. All though I am deeply flattered, next time lets be woman (or man) enough to respond on my blog. Feel free to leave any type of comment. Wisdom, encouragement, disagreement, scriptures. All is welcome and will not be deleted.
Ponder this, shall we?
Patterning your life around other's opinions is nothing more than slavery.
Lawana Blackwell, The Dowry of Miss Lydia Clark, 1999
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
True Friends
Friday night at Ashley & Josh's rehearsal dinner, (actually more like party. ) All of us "younger" people were up front making up silly dance moves, and Brooke came up with one called "Stab you in the back" it was kind of like the Psycho movie move. We all did it and laughed as we pretended to stab each other in the back. It was ironic (in my opinion) that we created that dance move just as we were celebrating genuine friends. In my day I've experienced a lot of stab-ige, and within the last 3 years or so friendships have begin to weed themselves out.
So myspace is taking the world over right? And sometime last week all of these new "addicts" were born and I realized "Hey, those are my friends!" So I did what any normal friend would do. I sent a friend request. Imagine my shock when I received this back "Hey, I apologize but I typically keep this site for my close friends. I hope all is well with you." So I asked the person. Was I not a close friend when I stood upfront as you took your vows? Or does knowing you for at least 10 years not classify me as a close friend either? When I went home and told Abby, she wasn't surprised. Because why? 1. This person sent her the same thing, and 2. One of this persons very close relatives told Abby a couple of weeks ago that the aforementioned "friends" wife never liked us anyway. I guess what it ends up being is that these people were in some way threatened by me, my sister, and my family. Therefore they stayed true to that old saying of "Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer" But now that we live in totally different states they still can't stop the competition because if they stop it they will have to face the truth. What is that you ask? Well simple. They lost. While the rest of are moving on with our life and experiencing life, they are still no further along then they were 4 years ago.
What are the basis of this person saying we aren't close? There aren't any. Is it the fact that we moved to a different state? Or maybe the fact that we no longer live under a dictatorship?
That's why now I am so happy for where we (me & my family) are in life. We have true friends. Friends that are genuinely happy for the strides we make in life. Friends that don't talk behind our backs. Friends who don't try to bring condemnation. Friends that don't try to force their convictions on us. I never knew the true definition of a friend until I met Ashley. I can met a guy and call her and tell her about it and she's just as thrilled (if not more) as I am. She doesn't go back to her other friends or family and say that I only want a boyfriend because she has fiance. (Yes I have had that said before). And I know with Ashley that if my family were to move to Colorado and go to another church we would still be great friends! Our friendship isn't based on location.
I guess what this has shown me is that we were never friends to begin with. We are only friends when we can provide jobs, mattresses, honeymoons, money for mission trips, clothes, shoes, purses, the use of our house for various events, or just ourselves for them to walk all over.
So myspace is taking the world over right? And sometime last week all of these new "addicts" were born and I realized "Hey, those are my friends!" So I did what any normal friend would do. I sent a friend request. Imagine my shock when I received this back "Hey, I apologize but I typically keep this site for my close friends. I hope all is well with you." So I asked the person. Was I not a close friend when I stood upfront as you took your vows? Or does knowing you for at least 10 years not classify me as a close friend either? When I went home and told Abby, she wasn't surprised. Because why? 1. This person sent her the same thing, and 2. One of this persons very close relatives told Abby a couple of weeks ago that the aforementioned "friends" wife never liked us anyway. I guess what it ends up being is that these people were in some way threatened by me, my sister, and my family. Therefore they stayed true to that old saying of "Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer" But now that we live in totally different states they still can't stop the competition because if they stop it they will have to face the truth. What is that you ask? Well simple. They lost. While the rest of are moving on with our life and experiencing life, they are still no further along then they were 4 years ago.
What are the basis of this person saying we aren't close? There aren't any. Is it the fact that we moved to a different state? Or maybe the fact that we no longer live under a dictatorship?
That's why now I am so happy for where we (me & my family) are in life. We have true friends. Friends that are genuinely happy for the strides we make in life. Friends that don't talk behind our backs. Friends who don't try to bring condemnation. Friends that don't try to force their convictions on us. I never knew the true definition of a friend until I met Ashley. I can met a guy and call her and tell her about it and she's just as thrilled (if not more) as I am. She doesn't go back to her other friends or family and say that I only want a boyfriend because she has fiance. (Yes I have had that said before). And I know with Ashley that if my family were to move to Colorado and go to another church we would still be great friends! Our friendship isn't based on location.
I guess what this has shown me is that we were never friends to begin with. We are only friends when we can provide jobs, mattresses, honeymoons, money for mission trips, clothes, shoes, purses, the use of our house for various events, or just ourselves for them to walk all over.
To Tattoo??
Were headed to VA again this weekend. And I'm really excited! Last time we had the greatest time ever! I'm debating on getting a tattoo from Mr. Ink. I was going to get one last time but changed my mind. But now I'm not so sure. I want either a small heart on my wrist and/or La Bella Vita (Italian for the beautiful life) or I want just a heart and Bella on my wrist. But I don't know. It was rather painful to watch Tony get his done last time. I don't know. I'll update you Tuesday when I get back on it.
The Wedding
So Ashley & Josh got married this weekend and it was great! We had so much fun Friday night dancing to oldies and flirting with the not so attractive waiters. I ended up buying Dress A, and returning it Saturday morning! I took it home and tried it on again Friday night and it just didn't do anything for me. So I went with a black dress that I got in April and had never worn. The day of the wedding was great. It was little cloudy but just as Ashley got to the end of the aisle the sun came peeking out. Abby, Amanda, and I sung our three songs and if I do say so myself we sounded really good LOL. The harmonies were great! But over all it was a really nice weekend. Ashley and Josh are one of the sweetest, genuine couples I know and I am so happy for them. It's also pretty cool because they are moving like 5 minutes from us.
Ashley's family from Canada came down and it was soooo fun to hang out with Brooke & Katie who are also super sweet. Brooke and I danced all night Friday and Saturday. I love those girls!

Ashley's family from Canada came down and it was soooo fun to hang out with Brooke & Katie who are also super sweet. Brooke and I danced all night Friday and Saturday. I love those girls!
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
To Jump or Not To Jump?
Yesterday was the like the worst working day of my life! It all of a sudden hit me that I do EVERYTHING and when I say everything I mean EVERYTHING. Don't get me wrong my job is not hard at all. But when you give one person the responsibilities of at least 4 people it can get very stressful. One of the hat's that I wear is accounts payable. I handle both the business accounts and personal accounts. Often times my boss will want me to call a company to get information about his account and every time I explain to him that I am not authorized to get information from his credit card company, car insurance, telephone, gym membership,etc. Yet he still makes me call. So yesterday at about 9 AM he calls asking me to do three things. All three of the task were going to require me to sit on hold for about 15 minutes (in between answering the phone) One of the things was to call his car company about payment. At 9 AM I explained to him that they may not give me any information, but I would do my best. At 9:05 I hung up. At 9:15 he calls back asking if had done two of the things. "Um, no Mr. Boss man I haven't. I was actually sitting on hold when you called but because we have no receptionist I had to hang up (after holding for 6 minutes) and answer the phone." It was after I hung up with him that I put my head down and in the midst of my tears fantasized about jumping out the huge picture window in my office. He then says to me yesterday afternoon. "Pull like 100's of resumes and schedule them" 'Okay sir, will do" then he says "Oh yeah and lets send out all 2500 of these fliers." "Um okay." then this morning he asked me if I sent out the 2500 fliers. Seriously do I look like I have 6 hands? I have to print labels, stick the labels, buy stamps, and then stick the stamps. When we had a receptionist it took her a week to do 1500. Do the math!
It's 11 AM and already the forecast is gray. I feel like I have to vomit from my super nasty protein shake. I have an iron pill stuck in my throat, I've already talked to three irate customers, and it's 11 and my boss is here already!
It's 11 AM and already the forecast is gray. I feel like I have to vomit from my super nasty protein shake. I have an iron pill stuck in my throat, I've already talked to three irate customers, and it's 11 and my boss is here already!
Monday, September 11, 2006
The Choices
Dress Dilemma
This weekend Ashley and Josh are getting married!!! Yeah I'm so happy for them. They are the sweetest couple by far. They've asked Abby and I to sing and because of that I need to find a dress. I started looking like a month ago but never tried anything on and then last week I remembered that the wedding was Saturday and I had NOTHING to wear. Pressure number 1. I'll be on stage (or in the front wherever) in front of people so I can't throw on any old thing on 2. The wedding is semi-formal, and again I can't throw on anything. So I dragged my little sisters with me Saturday to 8 stores. It was so hard because originally I had wanted a dress but that brought up two issues 1. Because I'm so top heavy (yes even after the surgery) it makes finding something to fit up there harder then for most girls. Either it fits wonderfully through the body but my "girls" form a uni-boob, or it fits up top and through the body I'm wearing something for a 300 lb. Woman. 2. Dresses (and even some skirts) that are supposed to fall a little below the knee can look like an evening gown on me because I'm mega short.
So after 4 stores I knocked the dresses out and ended finding two stores with dressy looking skirt and tops. And then on a whim I stopped in another store and found a really pretty strap-less dress that I thought fit pretty well. So yesterday I took my mom back with and to my surprise neither store had the skirts so I went back to the store with the dress and tried it on for my mom and just didn't fall right. So I was back to the drawing board. Moral of the story by 7 last night I was able to put 3 dresses on hold. I'll post the pictures in a seperate posting.
So after 4 stores I knocked the dresses out and ended finding two stores with dressy looking skirt and tops. And then on a whim I stopped in another store and found a really pretty strap-less dress that I thought fit pretty well. So yesterday I took my mom back with and to my surprise neither store had the skirts so I went back to the store with the dress and tried it on for my mom and just didn't fall right. So I was back to the drawing board. Moral of the story by 7 last night I was able to put 3 dresses on hold. I'll post the pictures in a seperate posting.
My new pet peeve
Here's my new pet peeve: Tall glasses with small openings! Seriously whoever designed them has no sense at all. How are you suppossed to clean it? I drink these really thick chocalote protein shakes and was washing the dishes at work this morning and I had to clean my cup so I could drink a shake and I could not get the sponge in it to wash the damn thing! There was all this gunk on the bottom and on the sides and it I could not get it in! I finally took the sponge stuck it in the cup and then got a fork and used the fork to move the sponge around. I still couldn't get it! So I have decided that when I go to get married and register for gifts that I will bring a sponge with me and test out every cup. Granted I don't wash dishes by hand normally, but the dishwasher could always break and I wanna know that'll my glasses will be clean at the bottom, not just the top!
Last weekend me, Abby, and Troy drove down to VA for Labor day weekend and had an insane blast! We left Friday morning during Ernesto and we booked a hotel suite and just partied all Friday night! We had originally planned on leaving Saturday AM, but some of us (namely the one who had to drive) had a little too much fun the night before and could not bare to sit in the car for 4+ hours. Saturday we went to Dezi and Jeremiah's for another shin-dig and again we had plans to leave Sunday but we just couldn't leave! We ended up not leaving until Monday night at 10:30! It was so great to hang out with everybody. It's was funny seeing how much everyone had grown up and changed, yet we've stayed the same (does that make sense). It was nice to just let my hair down and be myself and just relax. Hopefully we can get down there again soon.
I took pictures but only got one camera developed (I'm still using throw away cameras LOL) most of that camera was of the zoo (yes we went to the zoo) after I develop the other camera I'll post more pictures.
I took pictures but only got one camera developed (I'm still using throw away cameras LOL) most of that camera was of the zoo (yes we went to the zoo) after I develop the other camera I'll post more pictures.
I'm Back!!
Wow! It's been awhile huh? Things have been just so crazy lately that blogging just hasn't seemed that important, but this morning I woke up with a list of things that I needed to write about it. I'll post them separately because I like seeing the long list of things I write about...
Like I said things have been really crazy with me. Starting with work. August was insane because we lost so many employees, technically we lost 3, but when it's only 6 that's a lot! We still have 8 field guys but they don't count. The the other people were in house and kept me sane. Now I'm stuck by myself with my boss and the sales guy. It's been soo stressful but we have a couple interviews this week so now I'm just hoping for one person, any person, it doesn't have to be a receptionist(which I desperately need) just someone for me to talk to!
Next we have school. I have applied to The Art Institute of Pittsburgh for fashion marketing and I got in! The only catch is I'll be doing it online. Blah! I know! I really wanted to go to Philadelphia but I just don't feel the time is right. I think I may transfer my sophomore or junior year. However, I'm very excited. I've always loved fashion, especially design but after much trial and error I've realized I don't have much talent there so this is the next best thing. I'll be doing my work at night and have to be able to devote 15 to 20 hours to it a week, it's gonna be crazy busy but worth it in the long run.
Like I said things have been really crazy with me. Starting with work. August was insane because we lost so many employees, technically we lost 3, but when it's only 6 that's a lot! We still have 8 field guys but they don't count. The the other people were in house and kept me sane. Now I'm stuck by myself with my boss and the sales guy. It's been soo stressful but we have a couple interviews this week so now I'm just hoping for one person, any person, it doesn't have to be a receptionist(which I desperately need) just someone for me to talk to!
Next we have school. I have applied to The Art Institute of Pittsburgh for fashion marketing and I got in! The only catch is I'll be doing it online. Blah! I know! I really wanted to go to Philadelphia but I just don't feel the time is right. I think I may transfer my sophomore or junior year. However, I'm very excited. I've always loved fashion, especially design but after much trial and error I've realized I don't have much talent there so this is the next best thing. I'll be doing my work at night and have to be able to devote 15 to 20 hours to it a week, it's gonna be crazy busy but worth it in the long run.
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