Monday, July 31, 2006
Weekend Round-Up
So sad the weekends over. It was pretty good. Friday night went to dinner and then went and saw John Tucker Must Die which was really cute and funny. It's been a long time since I've seen one those teen movies. It made me wish that I was in high school so I could extract revenge on a player. LOL. Saturday I didn't lounge around the pool like I wanted to. I ended up watching Beverly Hills 90210 and All my Children on Soapnet (Nothing else was on!), the most productive thing I did Saturday was finish my InStyle. Saturday night I went to the Baltimore Harbor for dinner which was fun, and then I went and saw Little Man which was insanely funny! And then I sat around for like...3 hours in the car listening to the radio and talking, I didn't get home until almost 5:30 Sunday morning and then I had to get up at like 8:30 for church. I was so extremely tired it's not even comprehensible! Remember in my post Friday I said that the only thing that would make this weekend even better was if **Chuckles called? Well he did! He called Saturday night while I was out with my X of all people. :-) I still answered though, it was so nice to hear from him. Maybe I shouldn't count him out just yet huh??
Friday, July 28, 2006
You like me! You really like me!
Yesterday my boss was out of the office and the rest of us were just kind of talking and one of the guys who is my bosses nephew said that all my boss does is say good things about me. He said that my boss says I'm the "Go To Girl" that no matter what he ask he's confidante it will get done. And then the sales guy came in and said that I was doing a really great job. Just the comments from those two alone was enough to make my day because I sometimes don't think I am doing that great of a job. Then my boss came in and just as he was leaving he gave me everyone's paychecks, bills, etc. then he handed my $200 in cash! Which was soooo great! He said that every time he thinks of the last OM he cringes, but then smiles when he remembers he has me now... aww it made me feel so special. Sometimes this job can very hard and stressful and I get really worried because when I went to him after the last OM left I told him that I could do this job no problem, but when problems arise I get worried because I don't want to let him down. But I must be doing something right huh?
This weekend should be fun too. I have dinner plans both tonight and tomorrow. And I plan on going to the pool as well. We have been in our house for almost two months and I still haven't used the pool yet. So tomorrow I'm going to use the better part of the morning to tan, swim and catch up on Vogue, In Style and W. Then I'm headed down to the harbor for some seafood which should be fun. The only thing that would make this weekend even better would be if Chuckles** called :-)
This weekend should be fun too. I have dinner plans both tonight and tomorrow. And I plan on going to the pool as well. We have been in our house for almost two months and I still haven't used the pool yet. So tomorrow I'm going to use the better part of the morning to tan, swim and catch up on Vogue, In Style and W. Then I'm headed down to the harbor for some seafood which should be fun. The only thing that would make this weekend even better would be if Chuckles** called :-)
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Lance Bass Likes Boys
Thousands of girls between the ages 16 and 24 will be crushed today to find out that one of the members of pop sensation *NSync is gay! Lance Bass is coming out. Not a surprise for all of us who read celebrity rags. But even for those of you don't read celebrity gossip you had to have had some inkling that there was just something not right with Lance. The stark white/blonde hair, the overly plucked eyebrows, we knew. At least I always knew. Lance Bass reveals in this week's people that he is in fact gay and is in a "very stable" relationship with Reichen Lehmkuhl, Amazing Race Winner. Now all we need is Gayken aka Clay Aiken to come and admit that he is gay as well. Because we all know he is.
Princess Frostylocks & The First Reich
Monday, July 24, 2006
Do I Make You Proud?
Every day is a new opportunity to learn something. A new day to make oneself prouder then the last. Today was one of those days. I work in home improvement and I know jack squat about it. When I first started at my job I was the receptionist and within a years time, I made office manager. Lucky me huh? With this new position came new requirements that I had previously shunned. Now I have no choice. In order for us to build things like decks we have to have a permit from the City. The first time my boss sent me to get one I was very nervous. First. When I took over as the OM he said he didn't want me to meet with clients at their homes because I was to pretty and he didn't want to send me into some of the neighbors we worked in. However, when I found out he wanted me to go to downtown Baltimore I was shocked! There are all kinds of weird-o's and homeless people trolling the streets. What was he thinking? My first foray into the permit offices did not go so well. They turned me down. I pushed and pushed but no one would help. I came back to the offices defeated. My second time went a little smoother. I ended up getting the permit but not without substantial flirting with the robo-cop building inspectors. My third attempt was today. I was so nervous. The inspectors ask you all kinds of measurement and building questions, and I don't ever know the answers I always have to make them up. On top of being nervous I wasn't even dressed correctly. I try not to wear heels in case I need to run really fast and I try not to dress overly nice so people don't think I have money and try to rob me, and I even try not to dress as "sexy" or "pretty" as usual so the weird men don't leer at me. But anyway... I was determined to come back to the office with a permit in hand and my integrity following close behind. I get to the permit office and within 15 minutes I am on way to Rita's for a job-well-done strawberry misto. I got my permit, I answered all the questions (correctly might I add) and I didn't have even have to compromise my integrity by flirting with dirty old men. I was so proud of myself for today's achievement.
The Hamptons
We're headed to the Hamptons! My dad announced to us yesterday that we needed another vacation. In April we took one to Florida. Which was fun, but we do Florida every year. We rent a house, lay by the pool, beach, do the Disney thing. It's fun, but I'm so over Florida. So last night my dad left it up to us to decide. A cruise or the Hamptons? Not really a hard choice there. Cruises are so blase! It's a real cheap way to say "I've been some where!" Been there, done that, don't wanna go back. So me and my sister both sang in unison "The Hamptons!". But the really cool part is not that we are going to the Hamptons but that we are going to look for some real estate. We looked in Florida in April but like I said Florida is way to touristy. Then we thought Miami, but with as many little kids as we have that would only be fun for me and Abi. Plus Florida in the summer is so brutal! Your crazy if you go any time past June. I would hate to have a summer house in FL and not be able to use it because of the extreme heat factor. So the Hamptons it is. Now I'm off to scour JCrew, Banana Republic and Polo websites for some nautical stripes, whites, and navy blue clothing for our Hamptons get away! Oh yeah and now I have reason to get the new Coach Hampton tote I've been asking Dad for. Life is sweeet
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
When real people fall
This morning I was on my way into the grocery store and I was having a pretty good morning and I was feeling all cute and happy so I was sorta “strutting”. Then before I knew it my right leg gives way and I’m literal seconds away from falling right on my face. At that moment I was reminded of last night’s Sex and the City. It was the episode where Carrie gets to be a model for the day. Carrie is hand picked to walk amongst the most elite models and Dolce & Gabbana personally chooses her to wear one of their outfits. In the moment of her absolute glory she falls smack dab on her face. Instead of laying there crying about what had happened she picked herself up and finished her walk. Why? “Because when real people fall, they get right back up.” So after what could have been my most embarrassing moment ever I did what my fictional idol did. I picked myself up, brushed off the dirt and continued into the Giant. Because when real people fall, they get right back up.
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Loser Guys
Loser guys and the women who love them. That headline made me laugh out loud when I logged onto Yahoo! this morning. I begin to think back on my own "loser guy" experience and what it was that attracted me to him. Frankly nothing. My loser guy story is a long one and I almost ended up marrying him, but the bottom line is he was a loser. Every time I see glimpses of what my loser life would have been like with my loser husband I can't do anything but smile and send prayers up to God. I lovingly refer to that time in my life as the Dark Ages/2004. Wow! What a year! When I think about all I lost and gave up for that loser guy I want to bury myself in a pit, but then I'm reminded of all the things I did learn in that year. And I sure did learn a lot. I'm glad I was able to make it through that year, better then what it could have been. I won the battle, and the war. I came out with a scar, a faint one, but a scar nonetheless. I'll forever be known as that girl that almost screwed up her life. (Key word: ALMOST) Know what though? I'm glad I did it. So I guess the moral of the story is "loser guys" aren't so bad, as long as you wake up in time. Thanks for waking me up God!
Monday, July 17, 2006
Yup I'm Silly
I was on the phone last night talking to a friend and we were talking about the downloading of music and stuff. And I was telling him how I bought this CD on Friday the sole purpose being the cover art. Her name is Julie Roberts and the name of the CD is called Men & Mascara. I was on my beloved iTunes last week and saw an ad for the CD and I thought "Wow that's a cute name for a song. Wonder what it's about" I downloaded the song and then I saw the cover of the CD I thought it was so pretty and girly and fairytale-ish that I just had to have the whole CD. I could have just downloaded it on iTunes but because of the cover picture and her fabulous shoes I ended spending like $3 more on the actual CD! That's the downside to downloading full CD's is you can't look at the great pictures or read the Thank-You's. I have been dying to get Nick Lachey's new CD and I could download it right now on iTunes and save a few bucks. But 1. I won't get to see his super hot pictures 2. I won't be able to contribute to his record sales and the possibility of him outselling Jessica and finally number 3. I won't be able to see if he thanks Jessica for anything!
The trials of being a silly girl!
I heart iTunes
I have iTunes! I love iTunes! I've had iTunes for awhile now and just today realized how much I adore this little guy.I love the rush of downloading new music almost every day. I love how I can hear a song in the car come right in and download it all for 99 cents. I used to use those other illegal music downloading sites, but my conscience got the best of me and I decided to start paying for my music. I love that I am able to download any kind of music and create a playlist based on my moods. Case in point when Dateline did the Britney interview I got a little nostalgic and decided to go back to my roots and I downloaded over $80 worth of old school pop music. NSync, Backstreet boys, Mandy Moore, Britney, etc. And whenever I have the longing to go back to the days when life was easier and sweeter I click on my Greatest Hit's playlist and I'm Tearin' Up My Heart.
Friday, July 14, 2006
Flirting in Traffic?
I'm single, have been now for sometime. When I first reached my single status it wasn't of course as "fun" as I would have liked it to be, but now I rather enjoy it. I like the fact that I can go out and flirt with a bunch of boys, pass out numbers, wink a little. It's fun, it's a nice feeling when a bunch of guys are vying for you. On the flip side though, I do like being in a relationship. I like the stability, the support, the built in "best bud". But every once in awhile when I see the couples out and about I get a little ping of jealous, but nothing that a pair of shoes and a smoothie can't fix. The point of all this is to say that I have never been as desperate as to put a bumper sticker on my car advertising my single, lonely, desperate life. Yesterday I got an email newsletter from this website talking about online dating and Flirting in traffic. The line accompanied with the Flirting in Traffic title said Flirting in traffic: He'll never slip away again. And I thought to myself "Cool! Tips on how to exchange numbers while on the beltway!" Because I've been in that situation before flirting with the hot guy on the motorcycle only to have him speed away at the next green light or be moved up in the line of traffic on the beltway. So when I saw this article I thought it would be very useful. NOT! It was an online dating website where you build a profile print out a sticker with an ID number and the website. Basically you see a hot guy in a Jag he pulls away you check out his bumper and if he has a FIT sticker you log onto the website and put in his ID number and there you go you found yourself a man. Don't you think that's a little embarrassing? "Hi! I'm a loser! And this is the only way I can meet people!" Yeah so not for me. The good news (yes, there's always good news) is you can find out what his financial status is. If he has his sticker on his book bag or bike helmet then you might want to pass, or if the sticker is on a Minivan with Dora the Explorer playing on the TV in the backseat then put that Honda in reverse! But if your lucky enough to spot a Jag, BMW, Hummer, Porsche, Lexus etc. with one of these stickers run closer. But then again if he's that well off and still can't find someone something might be wrong there too. So I think I'll just stick to the conventional ways of meeting men.
Monday, July 10, 2006
Just another Monday
When I first started at my job I had no problem talking nicely to people and sympathizing with them and so forth. But now that I am the office manager I find myself wanting to ring some of our clients necks! Just now I got off the phone with someone who just had a bathroom done by us like three weeks ago and now her toilet is leaking. I explained that we would be more then willing to take care of it, but that right now I have my guys on a job that needs to finished by Wednesday so I wil send them out as soon as I could. She started flipping out on me and I got so pissed that I put her on speaker and went back to my IM'ing while she yapped away. It took everything in me not to freaking freak out on her. I was a little nasty though, hopefully she won't write a BBB complaint on me. But ever since I moved into this new position I can't help but to want to be nasty to these people. Every day with these customers is a new day to practice patience! Ugh!!!!!!!!
Saturday, July 08, 2006
The Devil & Pirates
What a great weekend! Friday night was a lot of fun. We (me and my Central-American LOL) went to Dave & Busters for dinner and games before seeing Johnny Deep and Company, which by the way was sold out until 11:30! But yeah so we went to D&B's and played games. I beat him twice with the race cars and then I beat him twice on Skee Ball. But we had a blast, because I'm under 21 I had to leave at 11:30 which was fine because the movie was starting. If you haven't seen Pirates yet go and see it! It was soooo good. In my opinion, better then the first. Johnny Depp is one of the sexiest pirates ever! And Orlando Bloom? Devastatingly beautiful.
The Devil wears Prada, Chanel, Valentino, and Hermes, and...Should I continue? I went and saw The Devil Saturday and it was totally fabulous! The book was better, but aren't the books always. Sitting in that theater watching the clothes, shoes, bags, necklaces, prance across screen, I thought I was gonna have a seizure. Anyway it was a really good movie. The only thing that upset me in this movie was the un-supportive (but totally hot) boyfriend. Why do boys have to be such 4-year olds? However,putting the boyfriend aside it was a great movie. "A million girls would kill for this job" I definitely am among them.
"That's all...."
The Devil wears Prada, Chanel, Valentino, and Hermes, and...Should I continue? I went and saw The Devil Saturday and it was totally fabulous! The book was better, but aren't the books always. Sitting in that theater watching the clothes, shoes, bags, necklaces, prance across screen, I thought I was gonna have a seizure. Anyway it was a really good movie. The only thing that upset me in this movie was the un-supportive (but totally hot) boyfriend. Why do boys have to be such 4-year olds? However,putting the boyfriend aside it was a great movie. "A million girls would kill for this job" I definitely am among them.
"That's all...."
The Job
I've been at my current job for almost a year and half and I just decided that I actually liked my job. Before it was boring, non-challenging work, but in May the office manager was fired and I was put into the position. My first full (alone) week on the job, I caught the flu! And the same weekend I had the flu was the same weekend we moved into our new house. But I do love my job, it's not really hard, it's just looooong and stressful days. The most challenging part I think is having to deal with my sometimes Bi-polar, A.D.D ridden boss. He's a great guy, but when things are bad things are bad! This week was no exception! Back in the beginning of June he had decided to give us off the Monday before the 4th and the 4th. Well 3 days before the blessed 5 day weekend he changed his mind and only gave us Tuesday. He left the Thursday before the holiday to go to Florida while the rest of us dredge on. Thursday was the beginning of a very hellish week. I get a frantic call from Florida from my boss saying $20,000 is missing from the business checking account leaving him only $4,000. Our payroll for the day is over $3,000. Do the math. So I was instructed to hold all paychecks until I got the word from him. Thursday turned into Friday as I tried to find some way to make up the $20,000 deficit. I didn't succeed. So I handed out paychecks (as instructed) and went on my merry way. The return to the office Monday was better, we had received some more money in and we were good. My boss comes in Wednesday and raves at the great job we did and how he appreciates me and my energy (he's all about positive energy and attitudes and such). Thursday he's flipping out again because payroll is the next day and our payroll is over $20,000 a week and we don't have the money. Thursday he's flying around the office freaking out on the poor sales guy and just throwing a hissy. I think he barely covered full payroll this week, but thank God that week is over! The only probably is I'll see another of these weeks in about oh....another week. It's crazy I tell you! The stress of this job sometimes gets to me. I'll wake up at 8:30 AM Saturday to the shrills of my cell phone to find my boss on the other end trying to disarm the alarm or I'll have a constant flow of calls (or visits) from irrate customers. Then there is of course the staff to deal with. But none of them pose any kind of problem except maybe the sales guy. Sometimes I wish I could just go back to being the receptionist or something, but others I don't. But thank HOT it's the weekend!
Friday, July 07, 2006
BB7 All Star!
I'm a nerd okay? I confess, but my all time favorite reality TV show has to be Big Brother on CBS. Last night was the start of season 7, which happens to be the All-star version! My favorites from last season returned. Janelle, Howie, James, and Kaysar. And then from season five, Jase and Diane came back. I won't bore you with the other details of the other house guest but I will say that the season 2 winner, Will, is back. Anyway I just love this show! It's on CBS, and CBS is an otherwise pretty lame channel (How many CSI's do they need to do? We get it! Don't kill anybody because you won't get away with it) But I think BB is their best show! Hopefully season six can be smart and one of my favorites will win!
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Citizen Cope
Let me introduce you to my new musical obsession, Citizen Cope. If you like Jack Johnson you'll love Citizen. The CD is called The Clarence Greenwood Recordings. Check him out
Sideways is my favorite song on the whole CD. It's so cute!
You know it ain't easy
For these thoughts here to leave me
There's no words to describe it
In French or in English
`cause diamonds they fade
And flowers they bloom
And I'm telling you
These feelings won't go away
They've been knockin' me sideways
They've been knockin' me out lately
Whenever you come around me
These feelings won't go away
They've been knockin' me sideways
I keep thinking in a moment that
Time will take them away
But these feelings won't go away
For these thoughts here to leave me
There's no words to describe it
In French or in English
`cause diamonds they fade
And flowers they bloom
And I'm telling you
These feelings won't go away
They've been knockin' me sideways
They've been knockin' me out lately
Whenever you come around me
These feelings won't go away
They've been knockin' me sideways
I keep thinking in a moment that
Time will take them away
But these feelings won't go away
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Boys & Fireworks
So the 4th of July was yesterday. It started off as pretty mundane. Sleep until 9:30 woke up, got breakfast and went back to sleep until 12:30. Around 5 I left my house to hang out with the "new guy" (Until I can think of something insanely clever to call him, lets just call him "new guy") I went over to his apartment and got to meet his cute as a button son. And then we went driving around MD/DC area. I had such a blast with him it kills me. Last week he asked me if I was "catching feelings" for him. I said no and asked him the same thing. He said no as well, but then we both agreed that we were lying. However, I really like this guy. Part of me wants to because he's as sweet as they come. Part of me doesn't for two reasons. 1. If I leave in January to go to school do I want to be involved with someone? 2. I think maybe I just want to "play the field"
I can't figure out what to do, but for now I guess I'll just wing it and try not to complicate things. For now I am having a great time with this super hot foreigner and I just need to leave well
enough alone right????
Speaking of the 4th. What's up with all the restaurants being closed? I had my heart set on a Latin American styled filet mignon and lobster tail, but the freaking place was closed. Then when I got over that disappointment I decided that Chipotle-the always satisfying Mexican grill- was sure to satisfy my cravings for something spicy. Guess what? Chipolte was closed too! Then we drive over to Friendlys and, yup you guessed. They had just closed. Fireworks honestly and truly don't excite me all that much. I am going to have them at my wedding, but other then that they aren't all that great. So to all you restaurant people, be open on the 4th. It's really just a regular day. If you open up next year I'll invite you to my wedding and you can watch fireworks until you explode!
I can't figure out what to do, but for now I guess I'll just wing it and try not to complicate things. For now I am having a great time with this super hot foreigner and I just need to leave well
enough alone right????
Speaking of the 4th. What's up with all the restaurants being closed? I had my heart set on a Latin American styled filet mignon and lobster tail, but the freaking place was closed. Then when I got over that disappointment I decided that Chipotle-the always satisfying Mexican grill- was sure to satisfy my cravings for something spicy. Guess what? Chipolte was closed too! Then we drive over to Friendlys and, yup you guessed. They had just closed. Fireworks honestly and truly don't excite me all that much. I am going to have them at my wedding, but other then that they aren't all that great. So to all you restaurant people, be open on the 4th. It's really just a regular day. If you open up next year I'll invite you to my wedding and you can watch fireworks until you explode!
Monday, July 03, 2006
The 65th Post
So this isn't my first post, nor is it my 2nd. In fact it's my 65th. I'm originally from myspace. That's where I joined the "blogger" phenomenon. I love to blog, in fact I'll be sleeping and have a totally random thought and will wake up just to blog. That doesn't make me addicted does it? So what's my story you wonder? Like my profile says, I'm complex, yet I'm simple (try to figure that one out) I hail from Virginia Beach, VA, well Norfolk to be exact, but Virginia Beach is so much cooler. I currently live in Ellicott City, MD in a brand new house that my dad had built for my mom. I've been here in Maryland for almost two years and can honestly say I like it better then Virginia. Yes, it's bitterly cold here, and our football team isn't all that great, but hey we've got crabs and the Power Plant! What more could you ask for? Anyway moving on...I'm 18, the oldest of 8 kids. I'm the newly appointed office manager for a construction company in Baltimore. It's a nice job, nice pay. However, it is not my "destiny" currently I am applying to The Art Institute in Philadelphia for Fashion Marketing. Fashion has always been a passion (eww I hate that word) of mine, and since I have virtually no "designing" skills I decided to work the production side of things. What else is there....? No boyfriend at the moment, but there are a few "prospects". There's much more to me (Remember I said I was complex?) but the best thing to do when writing is to leave your readers wanting more....
*I blog because I can...
*I blog because I can...
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